It has been a week since I last sat quietly with “Sweet Tea”.
I am so blessed by those of you who return to visit with me here and take the time to leave a sweet comment or prayer. You bless my heart and encourage me on.
I am just getting settled back into my home after being away more of the past 4 weeks than here. I have never traveled so much in my life but God has me on a fast track for building air miles. He has provided a sweet combination of fun and ministry and I am very grateful and blessed.
If you have followed “Sweet Tea,” as I know MILLIONS know that my last adventure was spent at the International Christian Retail Show.
We had a BLAST there shopping for new books and baubles for the ministry but the best thing was gathering 3 FULL boxes of FREE BOOKS!!
If you are a book lover like I am, you understand the THRILL of being the first to hold the FIRST copies of the newest Christian releases (and most are AUTOGRAPHED to boot)!!
I have Fiction books, Bible studies, books for the home, books for the teen and books for the man. I have kid books and Devotionals. Books! Books! Books! Just waiting to come your way!!
New book releases are one thing but books that are inspired by God to be released into the greedy (in a good way) hands of His Bride, takes this event to a whole new level.
There was a bit of talk about new trends in reading, BLOGS (of course!), E-Books (Big Stuff Coming there) and Kindle (or is it Kindel?)
However, in my heart there will NEVER be anything like the fresh cover and pages of a brand new book.
I have been reading to my kids since they were babies and now I love to read to my Grandkids (or for those 2 who no longer fit in my lap, buy them new books). I have a few new ones autographed especially for them!
These guys are coming your way AJ and Jacob!!
No matter how hard I try, I just cannot get a vision of cuddling up with one of my little ones with an EBook or a Kindle!
My boxes will arrive any day now so if you will take a minute to share what your favorite book of all time is or why you LOVE books and are praying for the Christian Booksellers of this Nation to stay strong, I will put you FIRST Place in my Give-AWAY drawing.
In the meantime—I need to figure out how to get “Mr Linky” on here cause I have LOTS of Giveaways coming your WAY!!! Anyone who can direct my steps with that gets signed up first!!
The past few days have been so precious. Everyone around here knows that our Spring days are numbered, but for now, they are wonderful!! I have spent every single minute that I have possibly been able to squeeze out, savoring the breeze, smelling the gardenias, clipping things from my garden…
The U-haul is gone. The boxes are all unpacked. The cabinets are organized. The rocking chairs are in place. I should relax now right? WRONG! I have NEW pressure! One thing I know for sure is that where one “To Do” list stops–another one starts. Thats GOOD NEWS! Honestly, although…
I just couldn’t resist sharing A REALLY COOL something new that “Rolled” out of my Thanksgiving Kitchen today! I bought these adorable little pie crust cut-outs from Williams Sonoma this year. Julianna and I had a blast cutting them out to decorate pies and salads for our dinner tomorrow. Check it…
Oh my goodness, Pat. God is doing a major work in my heart during our weekly girl gathering. Our discussions have made me feel like the Holy Spirit needs to do laser surgery on my heart and remove any judgment or pride that might have a chance to eat away…
Last week, I had the amazing honor of presenting a workshop at Proverbs 31 Ministries “She Speaks” Conference. What a TREAT! I have always loved and believed in this ministry. The founder, Lysa Terkeurst is one of my favorite people and has been a dear friend for over 20 years. I have attended…
My friend Lysa Tekeurst has posted some precious surrendered secrets on her blog over the past few days. I encourage you to go over for a visit. Lysa and I share the same secret. Lots’ of our sisters do. In fact, 1 in 3 women have a similar story. 43% of…
First of all, I love my Kindle but there's nothing quite like holding a book in my hands. I take my Kindle with me in my purse so if I have to wait I always have a huge choice of books to read. And it's great for travel. But reading to your grandchildren, I wouldn't recommend it.
My all time favorite book is of course, the Bible. But after that I love Andrew Murray's "The Holiest of All". Another book I keep coming back to and is much different is "A Place Called Simplicity" by Claire Cloninger. I guess that's because of the season of life I'm in right now.
Of course, I will be happy to pray for the Christian booksellers to remain strong.
And if Mr. Linky isn't working, I have a suggestion for you. There's a new kid in town. Brent Riggs started a new linky service that's also free called MckLinky. You can type it into your browser; it's a .com one. It's easy and I've used it before. He has been doing weekly blog hops using it to gain some visibility.
I always appreciate your visits to Heart Choices. You know I follow your son and daughter in law too. Her etsy site is great. And many in my family live in the Tampa/St. Petersburg area. I hope you can know enjoy some time at home. It's fun to travel but there's no place like home.
My all time favorite book is still probably "To Kill A Mockingbird". I read it as a child, again as a teenager, and even once as an adult. As far as my favorite Christian fiction book it would be C.S. Lewis' "The Chronicles of Narnia". I could and have read those over and over again! When it comes to a book of the Bible it would be Romans.
For some reason I have a Mr. Linky account! 😉 So, I could definitely help you with that one!
Oh, I do love to read! I am ALWAYS reading something. Sometimes I will read 3 at a time.
I am surprised how hard this is to answer about my favorite book, so I guess I will just tell you one of the books I am reading right now. It is called, Satisfy My Thirsty Soul by Linda Dillow. I love it and am so challenged by it.
And yes, I will pray for Christian booksellers to continue to remain strong and be used mightily by God.
Debbie..I LOVE that Andrew Murray book but the other one sounds wonderful! I guess after this I will be adding to my book wish list!! You are IN!!! much love, Pat
Pat, I am in from church and will be up for a little while before taking a nap. I work tonight through Wednesday night. Which basically means I am a little heard to catch b/c I work while the rest of the world sleeps and sleep while the rest of the world works. 🙂
First of all, I love my Kindle but there's nothing quite like holding a book in my hands. I take my Kindle with me in my purse so if I have to wait I always have a huge choice of books to read. And it's great for travel. But reading to your grandchildren, I wouldn't recommend it.
My all time favorite book is of course, the Bible. But after that I love Andrew Murray's "The Holiest of All". Another book I keep coming back to and is much different is "A Place Called Simplicity" by Claire Cloninger. I guess that's because of the season of life I'm in right now.
Of course, I will be happy to pray for the Christian booksellers to remain strong.
And if Mr. Linky isn't working, I have a suggestion for you. There's a new kid in town. Brent Riggs started a new linky service that's also free called MckLinky. You can type it into your browser; it's a .com one. It's easy and I've used it before. He has been doing weekly blog hops using it to gain some visibility.
I always appreciate your visits to Heart Choices. You know I follow your son and daughter in law too. Her etsy site is great. And many in my family live in the Tampa/St. Petersburg area. I hope you can know enjoy some time at home. It's fun to travel but there's no place like home.
My all time favorite book is still probably "To Kill A Mockingbird". I read it as a child, again as a teenager, and even once as an adult. As far as my favorite Christian fiction book it would be C.S. Lewis' "The Chronicles of Narnia". I could and have read those over and over again! When it comes to a book of the Bible it would be Romans.
For some reason I have a Mr. Linky account! 😉 So, I could definitely help you with that one!
Oh, I do love to read! I am ALWAYS reading something. Sometimes I will read 3 at a time.
I am surprised how hard this is to answer about my favorite book, so I guess I will just tell you one of the books I am reading right now. It is called, Satisfy My Thirsty Soul by Linda Dillow. I love it and am so challenged by it.
And yes, I will pray for Christian booksellers to continue to remain strong and be used mightily by God.
So glad you are back!
Debbie..I LOVE that Andrew Murray book but the other one sounds wonderful! I guess after this I will be adding to my book wish list!!
You are IN!!!
much love,
It has been SOOO long since I read that book. Definitely a Christian "Classic".
As far as "Mr Linky" goes, when can we talk????
I am glad to be home as well, for as short of time as it is!
Thank you for entering!
Pat, I am in from church and will be up for a little while before taking a nap. I work tonight through Wednesday night. Which basically means I am a little heard to catch b/c I work while the rest of the world sleeps and sleep while the rest of the world works. 🙂
Hi there my friend! I am in the middle of the mountains in Kentucky and lucky to have a signal!!
Favorite book of all time- Gone with the wind! It's a classic. Also, ANYTHING by Francine Rivers!! She has become a favorite author of mine.
See you in August!
Love, Jennifer
I loved the book, "The Shack". It really moved me to look at God in a whole new way.