When PRESSURE is Good!

The U-haul is gone. The boxes are all unpacked. The cabinets are organized. The rocking chairs are in place.

I should relax now right? WRONG!

I have NEW pressure!

One thing I know for sure is that where one “To Do” list stops–another one starts. Thats GOOD NEWS! Honestly, although we definitely need times of rest and restoration, I WANT my life to be full. I want to be meeting needs and allowing God to take me into new uncharted territory.

I am in one of those STRETCHING places right now.

You may have heard 🙂 (I know I am talking about it a L*I*T*T*L*E BIT!)–I’m writing a book.

Ok, so I have written “A BOOK” before.

Lifeway amazingly took hold of a recovery study I wrote, basically for my own personal healing journey over 20 years ago. So, in 2007, over 6 YEARS AGO! I re-wrote what I had written so long before. With the help of a few great friends and an AMAZING editorial team, we made it way better. Surrendering the Secret is selling more each year than it did the year before. God is is yummy.

Then, I wrote 2 little Bible Study books called Born to Bloom-You are No Ordinary Flower and You are Chosen. Pressure—Not so much-My editor was a friend. My publisher was ME :). My deadline was—well–NOT 🙂 I finished when I finished. Those books were fun and I plan to write more of them so BUY ONE PLEASE!!

I just recently RE-Wrote the trade book (chapter) version of Surrendering the Secret, a book called A Surrendered Life. It is being RE-published by Regal Books and will RE-released in June! Yeah God!
running uphill 1The book I am writing now has neither been written already–nor is it “at my leisure”. I have NEVER written THIS book before!

I am writing a book for women based upon my Woman’s Conference Imagine Me..Set Free.  

I have a publisher–Regal for Women.

I have a deadline–April 1 (at this moment)!

I have PRESSURE! Lots of it since I have very few WORDS that seem to flow together in a logical thought or as Goldie Hawn puts it “a simple declarative sentence”.

Either way, I am pressing on.

Praying and Pressing on.

As someone wrote me in an email, I am trusting that–

“In God’s heart, your book is already written and published. He knows what us readers need to receive through it and He will guide you through to completion”. Those are precious words to me. I have them sitting on my desk for me to read every day!

How about you?

Where is your pressure point today? What words do you need to hear that will encourage you to PRESS ON?

What are you pressing towards?

IF you say nothing, unless you are in a time of rest and restoration, I say you need to seek and FIND what God has for you to do. I FULLY BELIEVE, He is ALWAYS drawing us to a higher place and if we are in a LONG SEASON of NOT having pressure to do something harder than we can do without Him–we are not BLOOMING in God’s plan.

Do you agree?

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  1. Pat,
    Your books are such a blessing and I love your view point. It seems we are many times on the same page as far as God speaking to me through what you share. I have so much on my plate and do many things I want to do that sometimes “deadlines” come way too fast but God always comes through with sufficient strength for me to accomplish His tasks. My next task is to clean out the huge garage/shop and go through tons of stuff that’s been packed away since my house burned 8 yrs ago. I so dread dealing with some of it and stirring up old memories/hurts but the task must be done to preserve some things for my kids and to purge unnecessary junk so my new husband and I can work on starting a business together. All of which makes my chest tighten…cause I have a slight hoarders nature. Let’s pray for each other as we push through stuff that isn’t as easy as we’d like it to be….love and prayers!!!

  2. whoa, thank you so much for posting this! It is gonna help when I am thinking about going to Regal Exchange 20 in Augusta! I am from Edmonton so I am not familiar with Augusta. Next time I see my family will be much better! Very Amazing!

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