Say Hello for some CUTE BOOTS!
Greetings Proverbs 31 Friends!
In her little book Gift From the Sea written in 1955, Anne Morrow Lindbergh begins with these words:
“I began these pages for myself, in order to think out my own particular pattern of living, my own individual balance of life, work and human relationships. And since I think best with a pencil in my hand, I started naturally to write.”
Welcome to my home away from home!
Anne’s words perfectly reflect my blog time. Most always the words found here as well as in my books, come to life first on the pages of my spiral bound prayer journal written each morning during what I call my “prayer chair time”. I have over 30 years worth of prayer journals under the guest bed of our little cottage near the bay in Tampa.
If you are visiting from my Proverbs 31 Devotion today, I am so happy to meet you!
I’m sure you could tell from my devotion, I am a woman who believes in women being real with one another. I strongly believe it is time to drop our masks and share our true selves for the benefit of the huge plans God has for our lives and those he has placed in our path.
Maybe you are someone who has already stepped into that freedom or maybe you are someone who is still struggling to find that safe place to be yourself, to tell your story, to hear a word of hope from someone who either shares your struggle or better yet, has “been there-done that”.
My new book, Life Unstuck, is all about taking hold of the abundant life Jesus came to give us. Using the Old Testament chapter of Psalm 139, we take a walk with David, a man God considered to have “a heart like His own” to uncover the keys to freedom!
Again, I am thrilled, in fact honored that you have visit today and hope we will get to know more about one another.
Here are a few ways I have planned for us to become better friends!
1-Over the next 10 weeks I am going to share 10 Reasons we find ourselves STUCK and how to get UNSTUCK! The desire of my heart for my blog is MUTUAL DIALOG! If you don’t respond I have no way of knowing that your heart has connected with my mine. You can make it easy by signing up in the side bar of my Blog to receive my weekly post in your email.
2-Leave a greeting in the comments section of THIS POST to be entered to win a pair of CUTE BOOTS!
3-Take a quick minute to visit and download your FREE COPY of the Life Unstuck Manifesto!
4-Join the Unstuck Woman’s Club on Facebook!
5-Last but not least, I would be so honored to have you join our Live Simulcast Launch PARTY on March 16th! Details are on the Life Unstuck Website!
I am thrilled to meet you and hope this is just the beginning of a long friendship!
In His Grip,
This morning I reads devotion that suggested asking God to reveal His great love for me in a special way. I do believe discovering I can live Unstuck, may just be one of many answers to that prayer. So excited to start that journey to living free.
Blessings Jen, Thank you for visiting the blog and entering the contest!
Thank you for your encouraging words this morning , Pat. Your book is wonderful! I am learning to live “Life Unstuck”. God Bless You! And yes, those boots would be a great thing to win. Pink- size 7 1/2, 🙂
It was my honor Melissa, I hope you win the pink boots 🙂 and stay UNSTUCK wearing them 🙂
I really enjoyed your devotion today…. I needed to hear this! Look forward to reading more from you!
Thank you Kyla! Welcome to the blog and your step towards a Life Unstuck and some CUTE BOOTS!
Tears rolling down my face as I read the first chapter of Life Unstuck. Sometime, regardless your circumstances and your calling in life, you find yourself thinking, is this all there is? Thank you for your ministry to women.
Thank you Carole! Welcome!
Hi Pat, I was thankful today for your free chapter and the manifesto. I have been so lost and trying to find God in my messy issues. That you for my 1st step toward freedom.
Absolutely cannot wait for the Life Unstuck Book Launch next week! Excited to see what God will do as the pages of this book come to life in the hearts of women all over the country!
I loved your Proverb devotional today! I smiled when I saw your beautiful face!
May you be abundantly blessed today!
You are a sweetheart!
Thank you so much for blessing me today with the great devotional.
I am so looking forward to hearing you speak on Monday the 16th at Grace Church. Looking forward to hearing about being unstuck. I have also signed up for your daily devotionals. Thank-you!
Thank Rene, I’m excited!! Praying for a great night 🙂
Read the 1st chapter and loved it! Excited to follow the discussion these next few weeks!
Being real is what everyone wants … being who God designed us to be … and we ca all get there through Him. Here’s to all the women who are getting unstuck and living a life of freedom! Awesome book, Pat!! and cute boots too 🙂
I am so excited for Monday!! I can’t wait to party with you from afar! I am so excited for you as well and will continue to pray.
Hello Pat,
I was able to share a section of the book with one of my ladies tonight. It was so amazing how it spoke directly to what she had been sharing with me. God is so good! I cannot wait for my women to read the book. Thinking of doing a book study with it.
Whoot! Whoot! So happy God is using my crazy gifts 🙂
Thank you for your devotional. It has encouraged me to take the first step of coming along the side of others to reach them and not just assume that everyone “has it all together”. Also to be willing to open up about my own past failures.
Looking forward to future posts. 🙂
thank you, Pat, it helps to be surrounded by women who understand what it means to be stuck at some point in life and to have them surround you with prayer!
Beautiful words my friend! Can not wait for the release of this book!!!
Thanks so much for this opportunity and good luck to everyone!
We all need a “life unstuck.” thank you for helping us find our way!
The boots are so pretty, so many colors.
God’s Blessings to you, yours and on your book launch!
Thank you for the great post
Pat, I am turning 50 this year and feel like this just may be all there is….this vicious cycle of life… I am missing it…..whatever ‘it’ is….truly looking to find Unstuck! I love what I have read so far!!!
powerful, real, impactful book. Just as I thought I want stuck – it helped me discover that I have stuck stories in my heart. What a gift to have them rooted out! Thank you Pat! #LifeUnstuck
I look forward to reading Unstuck, Signing up to your blog!!!
Hello! I will be ordering the book soon and can’t wait to start reading it!! Thank you! 🙂
Thank you and bless you, Pat for your encouraging words and your new book. It is exactly what I need in this season of my life.
I picked up a copy of your book at Lighthouse Christian Bookstore in Mitchell, Indiana. (shout out to them: small but mighty in our little part of paradise!)
I needed a new study and was feeling unsettled…and then I saw yours. I purchased it in a fashion I thought was ‘random’ – but God doesn’t do ‘random’! He is purposeful and so good at guiding me where I need to be, even when I don’t recognize it. (which explains how a CA girl ended up in Southern Indiana, but I digress…).
All this to say: Thank you for writing this book! I’ve only just begun and I’m looking forward to the journey…pink boots, tennis shoes, red high heels, barefoot…where ever He leads me. <3