Today is my Birthday! A DAY that changed the world!

That might Sound kind of prideful I know but I don’t mean for it to. I am just so grateful to God for TODAY!! I am so grateful to be a part of His Kingdom plan.

TODAY–I am wallowing, soaking up, saturating, marinating, embracing, going to sleep with and waking up with…

Psalm 139! I have been for months as I prepare for this:


Oh my. When we REALLY GET what God has imparted into our very lives. The heart He has created. The passion He has implanted. The mission He has assigned. The destiny he has determined.

It just makes your heart go pitter patter.

Today, I am on verses 13-18.

13 For you created my inmost being;

you knit me together in my mother’s womb.

14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;

your works are wonderful,

I know that full well.

15 My frame was not hidden from you

when I was made in the secret place.

When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,

16 your eyes saw my unformed body.

All the days ordained for me

were written in your book

before one of them came to be.

17 How precious to [a] me are your thoughts, O God!

How vast is the sum of them!

18 Were I to count them,

they would outnumber the grains of sand.

When I awake,

I am still with you.

I am so struck by the Power of a DAY!!!

I read an article a while back that pointed out these amazing Bible saints whose lives were changed in a single day. Think about it:

One Day—Sarah, Abraham’s Wife, was an old woman with an empty womb. The next, she was pregnant with a child of promise.

She had waited 24 YEARS!! In one day, her life changed.

One Day—David was on the RUN from Saul’s ARMIES, being tormented, falsely accused, rejected.

The next day, his enemy was dead and he was KING! David had waited 15 YEARS!

One Day—Esther was just a young girl wondering what her future might look like, the next day, she was a QUEEN.

One day, she was a QUEEN, the next day, she was rescuing a NATION!!!

God ALWAYS has something bigger!!

Today may be your day!!

One DAY– Jeremiah was just a Jewish kid, the next day, he was a PROPHET to the World and would be quoted in the BIBLE.

An eternal VOICE!! That  is what I want to be!! A voice that leads the WORLD to Christ!!

One DAY—The Israelites were lost and bored with dinner—the next day, they were face to face with the Messiah.

One Day—The disciples were hiding away in a secret room filled with fear and uncertainty.

The next day they were FILLED with the Power of the Holy Spirit—Ready to Shout from the rooftops for all to hear about their RISEN Saviour!!!

Think about it friends.

What can happen in ONE DAY!!

When we give God control of our lives, He will give us a promise, a Word, a Vision.

HE begins to set things in motion that you could never have even dreamed of. I know, I am walking in it!!!


Happy Birthday to me!!! I plan to milk it to the MAX!! Honey already did a Starbucks run for me!!

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  1. Awww…HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! Wishing you a wonderful day. It sounds like it has already been a good one but the day isn’t over yet…I think you deserve a foot rub too!

    So proud of all the exciting ways God is using YOU!

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