Today is December 3rd and other Riveting News.

I need WORDS!

Words that stir an unmet friend to reach for a yellow pen and highlight an entire page-as if yellow would capture those written words and transfer them to her heart, her circumstances, her life.

Words that lift her head from her pillows, laughing out loud, all alone in her room, over some everyday life occurrence like cleaning dog poo from a carpet.

Words that craft a fresh dream in someones heart or breathe life into a dead one.

Words that create a picture in my readers mind giving her hope for something loftier than she can IMAGINE on her own and more exciting than she thinks she is brave enough to try. 

Words that release tears on her cheeks as she rocks back and forth on her front porch and digests a truth from God’s word that she had never heard,had  forgotten or just needed to hear again. 

Those are the kind of words I want to write in my new book. It is contracted and due to the publisher in 2 months.




The title of my post today is more like what I am seeing on the computer screen.

I am asking God for some words for my book like the ones David wrote in Psalm 139.

Life changing words.

Laughter launching words.

Heart healing words.

I am begging for His anointed and fresh take on a timeless Chapter of the Bible.

How about you? What are you asking God for today that doesn’t LOOK like is happening?

I would love to see YOUR WORDS in my comment section today.

Tell me what you need to hear from my book.

December 3rd Blessings my friend,

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  1. Good morning dear one!

    As I sit in snowy and cold Michigan, I am praying for you. I want to remind you that in God’s heart, your new book is already written and published. He knows what us readers need to receive through it and He will guide you to its completion. I encourage you to quietly position your heart toward Him today, allowing Him to fill you to an overflow with a freshness of His love. I am asking Him today to pour the contents of His heart into yours. When doing this, you are His faithful servant that will carry His heart to us through the written word. For this, I thank you. We need what is on His heart right now. You are His messenger. Seek Him and He will meet you. I can hardly wait to hear what He has to say!

    1. Oh my goodness Melinda, I love these words. I am going to print this and tape it to my computer.
      THANK YOU for taking time to encourage me.

  2. Hi Pat,

    Sometimes words are overrated!

    One of my friends (who at one time was one of my best friends and my matron of honor) emailed me around midnight and ended our 13 year friendship. Our friendship had always been centered on God’s grace and his work of salvation. In the past few years she has changed religions and we have not always seen eye to eye. It has been rough adjusting to this friends new ideas and behaviors but God’s Grace has always been the best answer for me. You don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. I don’t know how to respond to her. I would love the conflict to be gone, but not if it means losing a friend. But then I wonder is she truly a friend if she is only a friend when there is no conflict?
    Well enough about me. I hope and pray that God gives you the words you seek. I know your book will bless many people! I can’t wait to read it!

    In Christ alone,

    1. Denise, I feel your pain and have been there before!
      I am reading an awesome book called “Necessary Endings” by Henry Cloud! It might just help you through this. I am loving it!
      God’s Got This!

      1. Thank you so much Pat! I’ve always enjoyed and been edified by his books. It will be my next read. God bless you!

  3. I love words. I think my most favorite verse in the Bible is where John says John 21:25 ASV
    American Standard Version
    And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself would not contain the books that should be written.
    Last night, at our ladies christmas tea, the words in the songs that were sung seemed to reiterate over and over “come home for Christmas”.
    How I long for home.
    Home at the end of a long work day. Home where the gas logs invite me to sit down with my kindle and let the cares roll off my back.
    Home where my mom lives. Home where I sat on my grandma’s porch swing and she would pat me on the back and make me feel like the most special girl in the world…even though I had failed miserably.
    Home for the prodigal. How many times have I been the prodigal?
    Lights, christmas, laughter and good food.- I guess the quote from the movie Forrest Gump says it best:
    Forrest Gump: Then, Bubba said something I will never forget
    Bubba said: I wanna go home
    …home for christmas

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