Over the past few days I have DONE LIFE with some very precious people.

People who need HOPE.

People who need to be reminded that God is for them and wants to be INVITED to take hold of their lives.

People who feel like the heaviness of the world is more than they can bear.

If that is you today, I want to share the prayer I prayed this morning and to remind you that YOU are on God’s Heart today.

He is for you.

He loves you.

When we REALLY surrender our lives to Him, not just lip service and words but completely SURRENDER. We do what He says to do in His Word.


We KNOW His Word.

I challenge you in love friend, IF YOU DON”T KNOW WHAT GOD SAYS ABOUT YOUR SITUATION; YOUR LIFE…You don’t KNOW God.

This is my prayer this morning. This is an example of HOW TO PRAY through your situation. Pray what GOD SAYS!

This prayer is from Psalm 91.

Lord, I praise You that I dwell today in the secret place of your indescribable love and protection. I am secure and fixed under YOUR shadow. I will keep my heart and mouth declaring today that YOU are my strength and my refuge, my mighty fortress, MY God in whom I place my hope and trust. I lean on you. I rely on you. I place my life into your faithful hands.

I have confidence Lord, that you will deliver me from any evil that comes my way today. You will deliver me from harm and from sickness and disease.

You will cover me with your shadow. You are faithful Lord and I know that I am safe with you.

Your faithfulness and your truth are a shield for me.



I will not be afraid Lord, of any terror of the night, nor of the evil plots of the wicked that show up in the daylight. I will not be afraid of the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the destruction and sudden death that looms in the midday. A thousand may fall at my side, ten thousand at my right hand, but it shall not come near me because I am surrounded by you. I will only be a spectator whose soul and eternal security is inaccessible in the secret place of the most high. I will watch when my enemy gets his reward. 

I have made You Lord, my refuge. I have made THE MOST HIGH, my dwelling place.

You will give your angels charge over me to accompany and defend and preserve me in all of my ways of obedience and service. Your angels will hold me up and keep me from harm today.

Because I have set my love upon You , You will deliver me. You will set me on high because I know and understand Your NAME!

I KNOW YOU Lord, and YOU know me. I know you are merciful, kind and loving. I know you will never leave me or forsake me. I know that when I call upon your name, YOU WILL ANSWER ME! You will be with me in trouble. You will deliver me and honor me. With a long life, You will satisfy me and show me Your salvation!

Psalm 91.



I am praying for you today.

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  1. Thank you Pat, this is just what I needed today! Very encouraging! Wonderful words! Thank you so much!

  2. Pat, this prayer is so beautiful and it gave me the strength I needed to get up and move forward with my day. I shared it with our ministry page. Your love for God is so evident. I pray that I may learn to trust Him more instead of trying to muscle through problems on my own. I am learning to lean into Him and walking beside women like you has been such a powerful learning process. I thank God that He led me to your ministry. Michelle

  3. Pat,
    This is such a powerful prayer! I studied this prayer in detail right before we walked through cancer last Summer. It changed my faith! Thank you for this! It has encouraged me beyond words today.
    Bless you and the ways God uses you to minister to others.

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