The Secrets of a Woman

Today reflected on a sign of the times in my life. 10 years ago I would have never said the words that I am about to write.

I have spent a very good part of this day cleaning out my computer documents file and updating my speaking calendar! It used to be my closets that got in this condition. Now it is my hard drive!

Anyway, during that process I came across this document with a note at the top that said “Blog Article”. The next “sign of the time” is that I have no idea if I wrote this or if I FOUND it somewhere so if you read it and you WROTE it, be sure to let me know and I will gladly give you the credit.

The bottom line is…..

It’s good!

A Cover-up

I read today in Genesis 3, where Adam and Eve sinned against God. Verse 7 stood out to me: “…they strung fig leaves together around their hips to cover themselves” after they’d eaten from the forbidden fruit.

 Fig leaves around the hips, eh? I can almost see the couple cowering in an orchard, trying desperately to string the greenery before God shows up for their daily walk in the park. Their hands are shaking and sweat beads are forming on the foreheads. They know they’ve done wrong, and they know their actions have built a wall between themselves and God. And so they try to cover up, to pretend that every-thing’s okay. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work.

God walks onto the scene knowing full well what His kids had been up to. He speaks with them to make sure they understand the seriousness of disobeying Him, He levies the consequences for what they’ve done, and then…I love this part…He provides a cover-up for them.

Big difference between the first and second cover-ups!

The first is flimsy, inadequate, and manmade. The second is crafted by God’s hands and covers the nakedness completely. More importantly, it’s made from animal skins, which require a blood sacrifice. This cover-up is sufficient.

How many times do we sin, and then try to set things right on our own? We string fig leaves together — using flimsy excuses to cover our tracks — but our feeble attempts don’t work. God knows what we’ve done, and, because He loves us and wants nothing to interfere with our fellowship with Him, He has provided the perfect cover-up for us.

 Like the animal skins that covered Adam and Eve, this one covers us. It, too, required a blood sacrifice — the blood of Jesus Christ. And it’s sufficient. Nothing else is needed — just our willingness to accept the gift of God’s cover-up for us.

 What an amazing proof of God’s love for us!

Don’t you agree!!??

ps…no “goodies” box yet but stay tuned!

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