FREE Book! The Passionate Mom!
I stopped by my sweet friend Susan’s house today to pick up my AUTOGRAPHED give-away copies of her new book.
This your last chance to chime in for a FREE BOOK (from ME) for Mother’s Day, which I might add, is EVERYDAY!!!
The Passionate Mom Book from Family First on Vimeo.
I am a Passionate Mom!
I have been passionate about my children every day since I first smelled each one! Yep, that’s what started it for me! That YUMMY baby smell.
I can still remember the newborn smell of every one of my children.
My firstborn, Tim, came into my life when I was just a teenager. We grew up together. We are STILL growing up together Tim and me. That’s how we roll!!
“In those days” (as someone really old would say) Mommy’s, even when they were babies themselves, were all alone in the labor room and all alone in the delivery room and all alone when they saw their babies for the first time. I remember the moment I first placed my eyes and my hands on Tim. That moment changed my life forever. It was the moment I went from taking care of me to taking care of us. There has never been a moment since that day, when I have been unaware of the claim that Tim staked in my heart for him alone. We spent the first 3 years of Tim’s life, just him and me. He was my whole world.
The second time I became a Mom, my life was very different. I was older and wiser but felt no more “capable or worthy” to be a mother than when Tim was born.
My Andy, was a big 8 and 1/2 pound boy, who stole our hearts, mine, his Dads and his BIG brother Tim. This time, his Dad carried him over to my bedside and tenderly lowered him to my lips for my first smell and kiss. My seal of ownership. NO OTHER WOMAN would ever be called Andy’s Mom. Oh my, I remember that newborn smell. I remember sobbing all over him. I remember the room and the people all around us. The truth is, my life was a bit of a hot mess when Andy was born, you can read that story here. I had been working so hard to try to figure out who I was and where my value was. Andy brought a change into our lives. I didn’t know it at the time but Andy’s life would usher in our familys’ new life in Christ.
A friend of mine was recently asked in an interview, if she could change the world, what would she do. If anyone ever asked me that, which they have not, my answer would be this one:
It would CHANGE THE WORLD if every child could grow up in a healthy God centered home.
Wouldn’t it be AWESOME if every child was born to a healthy (mentally, spiritually and physically) Mommy and Daddy.
Working at a crisis pregnancy center has shown me that is NOT the case. We give birth as HUMANS who are on a journey. We have faults, we have weaknesses, we have loss, we have pain and it happens WHILE we are being Moms and Dads.
My last fresh newborn smell was even more radical than the first two, this time God SURPRISED us. This time our “newborn”, our Julianna, was one month old before my face presses up against her TINY cheeks. This time I was settled into my life in Christ; my calling; my personal place of grace. This time, God made me a Mom through adoption. Here is her story:
Being a Mom is WITHOUT QUESTION, the most precious and priceless gift I have ever been given. I am PASSIONATE about my children and now I have staked a claim upon my daughters by marriage, Kim and Bethany and my Grandchildren–AJ, Jacob, Mikala, Kai and Bella (Now THAT”S a whole ‘nother blog!)
My beautiful friend Susan Merrill has written this brand new book about the passion of motherhood. Oh my. This precious friend has captured some of the sweetest words I have ever read to lasso the moon of mommy hood! I truly feel that her book will become a best seller. I know I’ll be buying one for all the Mom’s I know and love!
I am giving away 5 signed copies of her book over the next few weeks that lead up to her BIG LAUNCH on April 16th and she will be guest posting here on my blog soon.
Share in the comments HOW MANY CHILDREN you have (by birth, adoption or calling!) and be registered to win one of my give-away books!
Maybe NEXT my friend Susan will write about the PASSIONATE GRANDMA!!
Watch out world 🙂
3 by birth! <3 so blessed
Yeah Renee :)!!
2 boys by birth! “Sons are a heritage from the LORD, children a reward from him.” Psalm 127:3
Love that verse 🙂
2 by birth and hoping to adopt 1 one day 🙂
Thanks for sharing!
I have had 14 pregnancies and now blessed with 2 living children.
Praise God Kim!
The way I received my child was a miracle. I always knew I wanted to be a mom, and that was going to be my number one job. I had many pregnancies, and many losses. When I Was 24, I was praying endlessly for a week, crying on my living room floor, praying that God would just allow me to carry a child for him, that I would raise this child for God, and I just begged that God, would make me a good mom. A week later, I finally conceived my son, Ryan. He’s now 13, and next year will be starting high school. I am so amazed at his life, since he was young he’s known things about God in the Bible that he has not even been taught yet, right now as I’m posting this, he’s walking to his church youth group. And he does spread the word and he does live for God, and I can be assured of his salvation. And the rest is up to God. I love him so much, and I try to be the best mom I can, and I mess up a lot, but I turn to God and I keep asking for the wisdom and strength to know what to do… And so does he, my son… And together we’ll figure it out and get through life in love.
WOW Kelly, thank you for your story! It is beautiful!
I had 7 pregnancies; 3 living adult children; but one fine day I will see my other 4 in heaven. My adult children have married & blessed us with 12 grandkids!! We are blessed beyond measure!!
As a previous PRC director, I sometimes have had clients that have adopted me as “mom.” Now retired, I still to have “talk to me” written across my forehead (LOL) and have counseled those who care to share with me. I love them as my “adopted” daughters and feel blessed to share Christ with them.
As of this writing, we have one of our granddaughters living with us, and learning all over again the drama of the teen years…Lord, give me GRACE. (learned long ago never to pray for patience………)
Marcia, I SO GET THAT “talk to me” ONE!!! AND all of those “adopted” daughters 🙂 LOL
Blessings sister!
Haha, I have FIVE kiddos. 3 original and 2 extra crispy as my dad calls them! 3 bio, 2 adopted.
But don’t give me the book because it is already imprinted on my brain!
You sweetheart 🙂
Thanks for saying hi to the ladies here. Your book is amazing and sure to be a best seller!!
2 fabulously hilarious and smart daughters by birth and step-son that has never been a “step-son” but son! Our son has blessed us with 2 adorable grandchildren that have added so much joy to our lives.
Thank you Jan!! God’s blessings.
3 beautiful grown children that have parented 6 biological grandchildren and 6 God given grandchildren. I also have 3 children residing with the Savior.
Oh Barbara, what a heritage. You beat me with ONE more grand than me, for now anyway 🙂
I have 2 children by birth, a girl and a boy! The best of both worlds and I thank God for them everyday!
Happy Mothers Day Chondra!
I gave birth to 2 busy, creative, and active boys 🙂
Happy Mothers Day Jennifer 🙂
Good morning! I have had 3 children. I have 1 boy & 1 girl. My son is 9 and loves God, church, his Bible & reading. My daughter is 7 1/2. She’s my beautiful social butterfly who cares about all of Gods creation. She is always flitting from one thing to the next, loves animals & gardening. I pray for them everyday and thank God for letting me be their mom! :0)
This is precious Carrie. I can HEAR your Passion!
God’s Best,
I’ve had 4 pregnancies. 3 are in Heaven and I’ll be joining them when God calls me Home. My beautiful daughter will be graduating from high school 3 weeks from today. I am so blessed to be her mom. She has taught me probably as much as I’ve taught her. Happy Mother’s Day everyone!
God gave us our first child in April 1998, 9 months to the day after our wedding. (So much for waiting 2 years like I had just told my boss.) My second child was born in Okinawa, Japan. Being dual active military was getting tougher, so I finished my tour of 6 years and then got out. I quit my job at NavyFederal Credit Union just before my third boy was born, still in Okinawa, as I would have been working just to pay for daycare. Another two years later and God delivered my biggest boy yet at 10 lbs 8.5 oz. So we traveled to our new duty station in Pensacola, FL with 4 boys and 2 cats to live with my mom and dad and their Doberman for about 6 weeks until we found our own place. I came home from an appointment one day with the constant thought, “You don’t have your girl yet.” My husband confirmed he was having the same thoughts. So our appointments were cancelled. Another boy, Daniel, came the following year, 2006 Just after we began our homeschooling journey. We moved back to Okinawa in the beginning of 2008. We became pregnant toward mid-year, but lost our precious one a mere 6 weeks later. In 2009 God again gave us another boy followed by boy 7 in 2011. We have just recently (last week) given birth to boy number 8. I am definitely passionate about teaching my boys about my faithful God, hard work, and being a godly man.
Wow! That is amazing. God is so good to give you the strength to endure raising all those boys and teaching them from home! It takes more than your own power I’m sure. I applaud you because you don’t get the free time provided during school hours. I originally planned on having a large family and home schooling. But God has planned for me, to be a single parent, and I have a child in public school. I pray that if you want a girl and it is His will, that you have one next. 😉
It was never really my plan to have so many…people laugh when we say that but I only wanted 3. My husband wanted 5, so we agreed on 4. God had other plans….Proverbs 19:21 Many plans are in a man’s heart,
But the counsel of the Lord will stand. Stay with Him and no matter what your circumstance God will carry you through. God bless.
Oh my gosh, what a precious story!! Thank you SO much for taking time to share friend.
Happy Mothers Day!! ENJOY!!
We have 3 by birth and 17 plus through doing life with young parenting moms and 1mother and daughter to him through Gods Spririt of Adoption we can call our daughter. We are passionate about sharing and livi g out Gods cl for motherhood. I was so thrilled by your posts and look forward to staying connected.
I have one daughter with Jesus, Jasmine, that I lost to abortion. I have one son, Jesse, that God gave me through adoption at the age of 50. His birth mother never saw him, so God gave me a brand new baby that I could never have had on my own!!!
I have one child with the Lord and two sons with me. So thankful for grace!
Thank you Ladies!! I will draw names with my G babies on Sunday!!
Thanks for those great words of celebration Pat! It has been a long time since I revisited those precious memories of holding my babies for the first time. The time has flown by, but I still remember….not so much the smell as the feel of that little bundle being placed in my arms and that sweet face looking for “Mom”. So grateful “Mom” is Me! :0)
Happy Mother’s Day Pat, thanks for your reply and the give away! Enjoy your weekend!
Kelly S
Ooops!…Forgot to say: Mother of 2 grown kiddos, Jenni and Weston and 3 BEAUTIFUL Grands! Kaden, Addie and Averi! Blessed beyon measure!
Who won? Did u pick winners? I keep checking
Hi ladies, the Give-away was on the blog post on May 13th!! Thank you so much for entering! Stay with me for another giveaway soon!
My hugs and blessings today!
Hi, I am a mom of a 4 year old girl by birth and she is the love of my life!! She is my one and only, my everything!
I have 7 children.
2 natural born biological daughters.
1 new son – through recent marriage to my daughter.
2 step sons from marriage to my 2nd – current love of my life husband.
2 sweet babies in heaven, taken by abortion.
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