The Family Zoo–On Vacation!


School is out–vacation time is here and FAMILY time has kicked up a notch–right? 🙂

My family is preparing for a fun time in the mountains–all 12 of us! Mom-Dad-3 adult children; 2 beautiful wives; 5 “G’s”. All in one house. All at one breakfast table.

I am beside myself. This is a dream come true! It is not just IN my prayer journal, it is on the COVER of my prayer journal!

It is going to be a blast–right?

I first learned about family personalities and dynamics as a young Mom, from one of my mentor’s Florence Littauer. Her books and seminars about personalities basically changed my understanding of what a ZOO a family can be. Since learning the 4 basic personality types, I have used this information for many years both personally and professionally.

I am now using my own version of the personalities called “A Garden of Personality” in my woman’s conference “Imagine Me..Set Free”

Here is how they look:

Butterfly (aka–Sanguine/Otter)–Fun, loves a party, likes to have lots o people around and things going on–mostly that are all about them 🙂 doesn’t like a plan, prefers to go with the flow.

Hummingbird (aka–Melancholy/Beaver)–Likes to have things organized and planned; loves details and lists; very creative and innovative; likes order and agendas!

Bumble Bee–(aka Choleric/Lion)–Likes to be in charge; tell everyone what to do; run the show; be the boss 🙂 (We have a few of these!)


Lady Bug–(aka Phlegmatic/ Golden Retriever)–Likes to rest; sleep late; watch movies in their PJ’s; take their time; not have an agenda and not be told what to do! Easy to get along with once they get up 🙂


OK–let’s translate that to a family vacation–all in one house, at one breakfast table each morning! Here’s what I’m thinking..

 Some want to party; some want to play.

Some want to stay home and sleep in all day.

Some want to organize each meal and each hike.

Some want the whole group to do what they like.

Some want to play games and watch TV ’til dawn.

Some want the sunset to mean no lights on.

Some want to plan out the days next adventure.

Some think a “planner” is just a fun quencher.

The hope that I hang to is a whole slew of GRACE….

… God makes a memory of the ZOO in that place!! 


Can you put your family in that garden??


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  1. I’m a hummingbird and a bumble bee. What a combo and sometimes it ain’t pretty!

    Are you coming my way for vacation…you said mountains and as far as I’m concerned I live in the mountains. Have a wonderful time away!

  2. Leah, you are so cute:) I can picture that little battle!
    We are not 🙁 in fact going the other way this time but you and I know ONE OF THESE DAYS!!
    Love you girl,

  3. Sounds like our bunch! 5 kids, 2 with spouses, 2 “G”‘s with 2 more on the way! I’m always excited to see what God has planned! Awesome blog, Pat! Thank you!

    1. Thank you Suzanne!! I was beginning to think it may have been a bit tooooo far on the silly side.
      Hey email me, I’ve got a speaking proposal fro you 🙂

  4. just saw this and thought how cute it is – I haven’t seen one with the butterflies/hummingbirds ect.. I am going to use it to figure out my family next week while we are at the beach!

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