Something about these days is making me BRAVE!
It’s really not my fault–It’s my beloved Mamma’s, God rest her precious soul. When I spoke at her funeral I shared some of the things my Mom left behind in her 4 daughters. There was quite a list. We all loved and adored both her and our Dad. Not PERFECTLY mind you but ultimately. One of the things that I know I inherited from my Mom was her entrepreneurial and creative spirit. She had at least 5 businesses that I can remember while I was growing up. Not to mention basically keeping MY DAD’s construction business alive for him!
The first business I remember was when my Mom opened her own beauty shop–“CHRIS’S” which was her name. My 3 sisters and I were very young and she wanted to have her business close to OUR “business” if you get what I mean. She started her shop in a small room of our house. For the next few years it grew multiple times until it was a self standing building known by “anyone who was anyone” (according to her!) in Savannah, Georgia. As life moved along and we moved to Tampa, Florida, she went on to open a gift shop and eventually, at close to 80 years old, opened a flower shop! Good grief!
So here I am as old as I am, trying a new thing. A WHOLE NEW THING! Just like my Mamma did. God willing it will not be my last.
You may know me as a writer–I do love to write and teach. You may know me as a woman’s event speaker or hostess. I do love to speak at or host women’s events. But you likely don’t know me as a decorator, party planner or cook!
I wasn’t planning this one but I have had some form of it on my mind for years.
Simple Hospitality bloomed not only out of my deeply southern roots but also out of my love for decorating my home and entertaining family and friends. I have always especially loved holiday themes. I love to design, create, cook and travel to places that do those things.
The things is, I know in my gut I am only OK at any of them.
I am NOT a professional decorator nor a remarkable cook but the thing is–who is really?! Not many people. Most of us are just dabbling in our own homes and kitchens. Most of us hesitate to invite people over for fear it’s just not quite good enough.
Certainly nobody PAYS us to decorate or cook or plan a party and sometimes we even have to BRIBE our crews to join in!! :)))
Last week I took a trip to a wholesale home show here in Atlanta and just about had to have CPR.
My girlfriend who went with me was in a kind of sensory overload and not having a ton of fun while I, on the other hand, was hyperventilating with joy!
There was furniture and vases; paper plates and paper lanterns; there were silk flowers and silk napkins; artwork and art cards–oh my–I wanted to play with ALL OF IT!!
So I decided, that is exactly what I am going to do here and having the gift of HOSPITALITY–I want to invite you!
I came home and googled the business name idea I had and low and behold (a southern declaration of surprise!)—the website domain was just sit-in’ and waitin” for me and you!
I know–this website is a bit of a mess still because, well, with a little help from my friends at Restored 316 and Kate Max Stock, I am figuring out to figure out how to build a beautiful and fun website without selling a kidney! Another NEW adventure!
As a speaker, writer and coach–I have my hands and feet in a few pools–but I LOVE my Family and I LOVE my HOME! I really needed a way to use my love for writing and creating to spread my wings behind my desktop!
In THIS SPACE I want to:
Share some simple but fun and FREE decorating ideas–especially holiday themed.
Share some simple but fun and FREE ideas for bringing girlfriends together.
Share some simple but fun adventures I am taking on our new 3 1/2 acre farmhouse in NW Atlanta–things like goats and chickens and maybe a rabbit or two.
Share some travel discoveries both some that are coming and some that are gone.
Share some goodies here on the website SHOP for you to take home with you and never take off your PJ’s. Its our new way to shop right?!
So, as is my life motto–“Lets’ Do This!”
I truly hope to see you here and there!
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