Some Days are Diamonds (Some Days are Stones)

My Mom has always said that. I think she got it from this old country music song.

Listen to it as you read.

It came to my mind this morning when I woke up on the “Stoney” side of attitude.

I had a sweet conversation yesterday with a ministry sister who was having a very BAD week, and it was only Tuesday.

A few weeks ago, she was walking the streets of New York, enjoying twinkling lights and cozy moments. Over the next few weeks, she would be wined and dined and treated like royalty at the grand opening of a 5 Star Hotel.

This week, she is holding sick kids, working on broken down cars, dealing with LIFE.

I can relate. Some weeks/days/hours make us feel like we are on top of the world.

Last week, I was being treated like a Queen in Alaska. Seeing God everywhere. A true spiritual high!

This week, I have run head on into the trap of “blah-blah-blah”. You know a BAD-Grouchy MOOD!

Don’t act like you don’t ever do that!!

The kind where you feel like you can’t get anything right. You can’t get NO respect (or maybe that’s SATISFACTION) (at least I still have songs on my mind 🙂 Life is just not going your way??

Before openning my Bible this morning, I poured it all out to God. I just told Him the truth. He knew it anyway. He always cares. He cares when we feel good and when we feel bad. He just cares. Then, He speaks. He leads. He teaches. He corrects.

My journaling through the Bible had me at Genesis 39-41   The story of Joseph–Pit to Palace to Prison back to Palace.

I was reminded again….

While Joseph was in the Pit—God was there.

While Joseph was in the Palace–God was there.

While Joseph was in the Prison–God was there.

The Word says “God gave him success in whatever he did”.

Just a few days ago, life sparkled like diamonds, today , I woke up in the pit. Wuz up wit dat??

It is true, “Some Days are Diamonds–Some Days are Stones”.

The good new is….God had His grip on both.

My prayer:

Lord, I want to bloom where I am planted–in the pit or in the palace, in the diamonds and in the stones.

Let my REFLECTION—always be focused you.

Let my RESPONSE–always be focused you.

Let my RESULT–always be focused on you.

How about  YOU??? Is TODAY a Diamond or a Stone?

My February commenters will be entered into a drawing for the Made To Crave Bible Study KIT <3

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  1. Today is a Diamond Day. I have been reminded over and over how blessed I am to be loved by God, and to have his promises to stand on. My life hasn’t always been that way. EVERYTHING that happened used to send me into a spin trying to figure out ‘what if???” and ‘am I prepared?” Mostly I was paralyzed with fear. Now I know Jesus, and I follow his example, and THAT has made all the difference. Tomorrow I may ‘feel’ stone-like, but I’ve been bought with a price far above diamonds, and that’s the TRUTH! God Bless you Pat for your encouraagement here ~<3

  2. Pat, my friend, you put into words what so many of us feel on a regular or at least semi-regular basis. I had a day like that recently and reached into my Scripture bowl and I pulled out the following verse. It was personalized with my name in it, but I’m going to replace my name with yours.

    “Pat, I will not forget you! See, I have engraved you on the palms of My hands.” Isaiah 49: 15-16

    How’s that for a message straight from the President of the Universe?


  3. Pat–My day is diamond and stones—moment by moment it is changing it seems…back and forth. I found your blog via Lysa’s comments–your give a way intrigued me to come over and take a peek. I LOVE the fact that your journal cover (Maybe Jan 31?) is all pasted-up! Cool! LOVE that your word is Listen. I need to think about that. I have been trying to figure out what my “verse” should be this year (or other such things I read people who study the Word often do—but I have never done). Hmm.

  4. Mariel–Thank you for visiting, I hope your day turned out to be a diamond!!

    Leah—Consider yourself hugged :)…one of my very favorite verses!

    Mary–I am so happy to meet you.

    Got me some blogs to visit!!

  5. YOU MATTER TO ME!!! AND I WOULD SO CARE IF YOU WERE NOT HERE!!! You shine the light of Jesus so bright…EVERY DAY! Even the days when you don’t feel like you do…. You truly do….GOD sees all of it…and He knows right where you are…HE is in control…And has you right in the palm of His hand..

    Love you!

  6. Oh my sweet Jenn, you made me cry.
    I was probably being a little too dramatic this morning but you sure made a diamond out of my day :)….
    You bless my heart and I am very thankful to have you on this journey!!

  7. Pat,
    Today was a diamond but yesterday was so a stone. But I read a devotional today that made so much sense to me. It said we cannot run today on yesterdays blessings. So often God blesses us and we see him ministering to us and then we feel blessed and sometimes letting our guards down and Satan snatches the rug out from underneath us because we weren’t seeking the blessings for today. Makes sense to me. Hope your day is brighter!! Love you.

  8. Thank you Misty,
    It actually did get better 🙂
    The good news is that I have learned in my LONG life, that God is GOOD no matter how I FEEL!!
    There is always much to be thankful for and TONS of reasons to count our blessings.
    Starting with….”today, I woke up”!
    Blessings to you,

  9. Loved this, Pat! Some days I alternate between diamond and stone multiple times in that 24 hour period. This is proof that circumstance has nothing to do with the reality of who we are or who He is! It shows us that we live in a fallen, imperfect world and we are emotional creatures who sometimes find it hard to get out of our own way. Oh, thank you, Lord for retrospective insight!

    Can’t wait to see you in April!!

  10. Debbie, you are SO right.
    Praise His Holy Name that we are NOT left alone to find our own way out of or own way :)!!
    I can not wait to come to New Mexico for a FREEDOM WEEKEND and an STS Release!
    You have blessed all of our hearts, can’t wait to give you a big hug,

  11. Love, love, love this. Thank you for reminding us we are not alone. First and foremost God is always with us, and He is bigger than any obstacle in our life. He also blesses us with soooo many sisters in Christ to help us stay on the right path. Thank you for sharing. Your stories certainly warm my heart, make me laugh, and keep me on my path to being the best witness to Christ as I can. Thank You

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