Smell This!!

I just had to reward myself!!

Today I wrote 3500 words for (I am such a genius writer that I could not figure out if this word should be “in” “on” or “for”) my new book. 
If you are a writer of any kind you know that is a really good days work. If you are not, trust me, it is really good!
I have a couple of writing projects that, no matter how I plan, have continued to fall to the bottom of my “To-Do” list. 
So, I decided to reward myself for my productive day with some picture taking in my garden followed by a neighborhood bike ride. 
It was so beautiful out! The air was rich with sweet spring smells. 
Like this:
Lavender (with a Bubble Bee to boot!)
And this….
Gardenia—they are everywhere. There are 2 bushes around our front porch rocking chairs that are ready to pop! I can not wait to sit there with some Sweet Tea and a good book!. 
Can you smell them???
How about this……..
Honeysuckle!! It is wrapped all around the palm trees in my back yard!
and last but not least, this!
OK, this purple stuff doesn’t have a smell but I had to show off how I nabbed this butterfly!!
All in my yard!!
Then, over the handlebars of my bike, I saw this……..
and this…..
and finally this…….
time to go home.
I ended my Sweet Smelling Day with this in my kitchen!
2 Corinthians 2:14-17
14But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him. 15For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. 16To the one we are the smell of death; to the other, the fragrance of life. And who is equal to such a task? 17Unlike so many, we do not peddle the word of God for profit. On the contrary, in Christ we speak before God with sincerity, like men sent from God.
I have been thinking allot about that Sweet Smell!!

I have 2 Surprises coming over the next few days. 

#1) Tomorrow I release my brand new “Surrendered Sister” Eletter. My son Tim designed it and it is AWESOME! Let me know if you want to see it! 

#2) I will have my drawing for the FREE BOOKS from last post!! 

You still have a chance to share your Promise!!!!

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  1. I think I might already be signed up for this from the N.B. Conference, but if not I want it…..
    or i would rathere a hard copy if you offer.
    Amy Sauls
    Rt. 1 Box 594093
    Kirbyville, Tx 75956

    Great job on the writing…..

  2. Love the pictures.
    Love the smell of honeysuckle, jasmine, hyacinth. Love the smells of God’s creations. Just wish they’d last longer.

    Have you smelled Jasmine? I just discovered it is what is in my back yard. It’s a bush thing and mostly leaves all year…needs maintenance and trimming yet for about two weeks, it truly is the smell of Heaven…or I least it is in my piece of Heaven.

  3. I love the pictures! And congrats on getting some writing done! I planted in my yard yesterday. It was just the day for it. So beautiful out!

    See you soon (tomorrow) 🙂

    Love, Jennifer

  4. Hey girl,

    Beautiful pics on a beautiful day! You ROCK on the 3500 words!! You GO girl!:o)

    You know I’d love to be on that ELetter mailing list…add me, would you?

    Miss you – heading out on Wednesday morning to drive my car and pup over. I’ll be staying for about 3 weeks, anyway. But I’ll be in touch – you better be, too!

    XO Melinda

  5. Yes, I can smell that gardenia and honeysuckle. I just love both of those plants. Thank you for sharing the beautiful pictures.


  6. I linked here from another site you posted on. I took a quick scan and saw your comment about writing 3,500 words in one day. That is amazing. I have a book in the final editing stage and a couple of more “nearly” there. They are Bible studies/devotionals. I’m amazed at that output. A quick glance at this site and I’m impressed with your writing ability. I pray God rewards your work.

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