Skydiving & Other Ridiculous Leaps of Faith

Have you ever been skydiving?


Just imagine–the vibration of the mini plane soaring ever higher; quickened, gasping breaths; nervous prickling arms; the whoosh of air when the door slides open; little dots of color in geometric grids – are those houses down below?? Up so high– it’s like watching the world go by from God’s perspective.

Breathtaking Freedom!

Have I convinced you to take the leap?

No? Well, me either. In fact, you’ve read my thoughts about flying – for the most part, I DO NOT enjoy any part of it. In fact, I dislike it so much that many years ago I brokered “a deal” with God – I would do anything for Him BUT speak in front of crowds and fly on airplanes. Dah, duh, duh, dah!

While modern day airline travel is generally considered not to be risky, from a RATIONAL point of view, some would argue that freefalling out of a plane at heights of up to 14,000 feet can certainly be classified as crazy – oops, I meant to say dicey 😉 After all, isn’t that the attraction? One is somehow precariously balanced between freedom and danger – the chances of injury slim, yet undeniably possible. EEKS!

OK, so I won’t be jumping out of a plane anytime soon, but consider that first step into bottomless air that skydiver takes – I admire the courage! We all have opportunities to plunge into a new adventure but instead hold ourselves back. Why? Fear of failure? Fear of ridicule? Fear of an untried, unknown path? UGH – Fear!

Fear is a big deal in our lives in this day of terrorism; sickness and disease; economic unknowns and political upheaval. There is much to be afraid of IF we allow ourselves to buy into what the news paper says instead of the Bible.

I choose the Bible. I choose to trust God and JUMP!

I choose to fly-afraid. I choose to speak-afraid. I choose to write-afraid. I choose to trust God with my kids–as they walk their own journey with Him–yes, sometimes afraid.

Bottom line–I choose faith.

I have not YET chosen to jump out of a plane but guess what–YOU NEVER KNOW!

Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it. I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.

Isaiah 43:18-19

I LOVE this scripture! It speaks to me of seizing the moment.

Lets choose to TAKE A LEAP and leave that rotten over-thinking, over-analyzing, over-everything brain behind!

Adventure “springs” up for us, leading us into the “wilderness” of the unknowns. Every day we’re living that adventure. Let’s try to accept the free-fall of God’s mysteries for us and allow Him to be our parachute!!

What is YOUR LEAP OF FAITH TODAY?? Share in the comments. Remember, this month’s FREE giveaway is a Freedom Flower Coaching Call. So the more I hear from YOU, about YOU, the more likely that Coaching Call Chat will be with YOU! Take a Leap of Faith and SHARE with me! 

“See you” on Friday in my weekly newsletter A Refreshing Pause!!  You’ll get a sneak peek at this month’s other FREE Giveaway – Reason’s To Weed: enjoying PEACE in your PAST! To sign up, visit


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One Comment

  1. Good morning Pat,
    Your devo was just the encouragement I needed this morning…to be reminded of the adventure I’m on with the Lord! Lots of changes going on in my life, very unexpected, so I’m left wondering how my dream of writing and speaking now fits into what is going to be my new normal. Instead of dreading the changes and dragging my feet, I’m choosing to look for the adventure! ♡♡♡

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