Simply Sizzling Sunday Study–Week #1
I can not tell you how THRILLED I am by the response to this online Summer Bible Study. OMG!!! Gosh. Wow! and stuff like that 🙂
So, here we are on Sunday #1.
I was out of town all last week as was my NEW Admin Assistant, Suzanne (Say WELCOME Suzanne!). I met hundreds of new friends while speaking at a Lifeway Women’s Ministry event called “You Lead”. It was FABULOUS!! I had such a great time and had many women sign up for the Summer Study on the spot and many who emailed while I was gone to sign up. My next event with them is in Rhode Island! I have NEVER been there! Can you join us?
If you requested your book last week, we received your email and will be connecting this week to get your books to you.
In the meantime, just follow us in your Bible, no worries. Remember, this is Summertime and the Living is EASY!
So, Here is the deal:
1) You get a Born to Bloom Book and/or your Bible and open it to Psalm 139. We will take 4 verses each week and we will work together to memorize as we go.
2) Take a shot at working on 1 verse each day Monday-Thursday (or whenever you want!).
3) Join me here and INTERACT!!! TELL ME YOU ARE HERE with a simple Hello in the COMMENTS below. I would LOVE to have you share a word of experience or struggle or insight from God’s Word about the week. We will have a drawing for some free books at the end of the study dropping your name into a basket EVERY TIME you add a comment!
4) Enjoy, be blessed in God’s Word, share the journey with a child, Grandchild or friend! I am sharing with my firstborn Granddaughter who is 8, and hopefully some of my family members.
So….here we go!!
Start with Psalm 139:1-4 and/or your Born to Bloom booklet. We will be mailing some out this week. Let me know, if you haven’t already, if you need a book or 2.
You are going to be thinking about EXACTLY where you are in life right now today. Happy, sad, lonely, busy, sick, healthy…..
Check in and say hello and tell us all where you are from!
Anxiously awaiting my “Born to Bloom” and hearing Words from God as we search Psalm 139.
“Oh, Lord, You have searched me and You know me.” What a blessing and assurance.
FROG…Fully Rely On God!
Possum Kingdom Lake in north central Texas
I’m going to need to order but would like to join in. Looking forward to God’s outpouring! Vail, AZ
Welcome Sharron!! So happy to share this journey with you!
You too Cynthia from Vail, Az 🙂
Looking forward to joining in this group that wants to share the Word together!
Blessings Karen, Happy Ps 139:1 Day!!
Can’t wait to get my “Born to Bloom” book and get started! I really need some “Son” in my life right now!!! Glad to be a part! Thanks!
Margie, thank you for joining. I can’t wait to see what God does in our group!
A note from Cindy 🙂
Hi everyone. I am Born to Bloom in St. Augustine, Florida. I’ll be sharing this journey with my 13 year old son, Jesse!
Blessings of Grace
Cindy Clardy
Hello Pat! I have been doing Born to Bloom throughour May! I m living it! I am on the last 2 verses. But I am backing up the truck and starting over with you guys…cuz I love the interaction and I REALLY want to memorize the entire 24 verses. He Has searched me and He knows me. AND He still loves me! Awesome!
Born to bloom in His Presence! 🙂 tricia
Yeah Tricia–We all need YOUR input, you are a well of sweet living water!!
I’m in Land O Lakes, and I am comforted by the fact that He has searched me and He knows me completely.
He is familiar with ALL my ways.
I need to bask in the Son also!
YEAH Paula!! I love you 🙂
A message from Pam Morris from the Imagine Me..Set Free website:
I’m sitting here and was in a discussion with my mom about knitting. I opened my bible to start the study and read the chapter first. He confirmed his control in my life because he knit me together in my mothers womb and I am wonderfully and fearfully made! I trust that he is healing me right now because he knit me together I won’t unravel!
Thank you Pam! Great stuff!
Hello All,
I’m Blooming in the ATL. I’ve gotten so much from the study already. I love the fact that God knows me intimately without needing to pillage my brain. Every facet of my being is understood by Him. That reality alone is amazing because at any given moment my mind is a HOT mess. My emotions are a conundrum and yet God knows and understands me. Awesome! Thanks Pat for this much needed study on Psalm 139!
Kia, I FINALLY had a chance to read all of your email sent to me after the You Lead Conference…
I have but one word for you my precious young friend—YUM!!!!
ps..I would love to meet your Mom! If she produced YOU, she truly must ROCK! I hope to see her in September.
Hey, I’m Blooming in Hephzibah, Ga. which is just south of Augusta! I’m a pastors wife, with 4 kids & # 5 on the way in August. I am looking forward to memorizing Psalm 139 this summer. And looking forward to getting to know you ladies too!
HEPHZIBAH! Wow! I love that area of Georgia. I am a Georgia girl through and through. I was born in Savannah and my husband and I have just purchased a piece of property in the North Ga mountains!! WhooHoo! A long time dream of ours.
Thank you for joining us!
Blooming waaaaaay out west in Monroe, WA! Getting started right now……so glad to bee joining in!
SOOOOO!!! Happy you are with us beautiful sister!
I love David’s simplicity – I have been chewing on the first four versus. I am sometimes relieved that God knows me and also horrified……..because He knows me – he knows everything, even the things I try so desperately to hide.
I know the unfolding of this story will comfort me beyond my thinking patterns that stay trapped in the enemy’s lies – because I cheated and read ahead! Looking forward to that fresh revelation!
My book will arrive soon and I will catch up with you guys but for now I am reading and just letting it all sink in – through and through and to feel the meaning in the words. For me, it is already proving powerful.
From my earliest hours of peaking into David’s heart, I have loved him.
I love that he was a sinner, like me.
I love that his sin was made public, like me.
I love that he was desperate, like me.
I love that once brought low to the ground by his own poor choices, he became a God chaser, like me.
I love Davids’Heart!! and I love yours!!
I am so looking forward to an in depth look at Psalm 139 and to being a part of this type of study!
I am so blessed and honored to share this journey with you!! Can’t wait to hear your sharing thoughts!
Blooming from Zug Switzerland. Excited about memorizing Psalm 139 and being in study with you all this summer!
Just joined up. How do I get the book?
WhooHoo!! so happy to have you sister!
Go to the book link on this website to order or call (813) 931-1804 and ask for Suzanne!
Great to have you on the Summer Sizzle team 🙂
The only real caveat to shopping on the internet is that you could know your measurement.