She Still Speaks!

Liz Curtis Higgs may be one of my favorite writers, speakers and women in ministry of all time! She just is.

I have always loved Liz’s books–both her Fiction and Non-Fiction fill my book shelves. I mean still my beating heart for Whence Came a Prince (Waterbrook, 2005). When I finally had an opportunity to meet Liz face to face a few years ago, I was a bit “star-struck”. When she invited me to join her for breakfast a few years later–she moved from acquaintance to friend in about 15 minutes. I am beyond excited to have the blessing of spending some time with her later this week at She Speaks 2015 in Charlotte.

Today–I am thrilled to host her here on my blog and GIVE AWAY a FREE COPY of her newly released book It’s Good to Be Queen. Releasing TODAY!


Here’s Liz! (YAH!!)

When the queen of Sheba had a convo with King Solomon three thousand years ago, amazing things poured out of her mouth: honesty, humility, encouragement, and praise. It’s impressive.

Kinda like that famous woman in Proverbs who fills the air with wisdom whenever she speaks.

Look, I’m not intimidated by the fact that she “selects wool and flax and works with eager hands” (Proverbs 31:13) or “considers a field and buys it” (Proverbs 31:16). Every woman has her own unique set of skills, right?

But this business about the words she says? Oh my.

She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. Proverbs 31:26

Right now I’m so under conviction, I almost can’t type.

See, I am a woman who speaks a lot—basically, from the moment I open my eyes until I finally close them at night. Hour by hour, I toss out my opinions, plans, advice, ideas, observations, random thoughts. If it’s on my mind, it’s on my lips.

I’m thinking I’m not alone in this. So, do we have anything worthwhile to say, or are we simply talking our way through life?

When our Proverbs 31 sister speaks, she offers something worth hearing. People gladly listen, knowing her words will be “like apples of gold in settings of silver” (Proverbs 25:11).

Most days, my words are like stale popcorn in a striped paper bag.

As a mother, the Proverbs 31 woman surely talked about what’s for dinner and whose turn it was to wash the dishes. As a queen, Sheba must have loved sharing her wisdom with her advisors. But the most important thing these women discussed was God’s loyalty, faithfulness, and loving-kindness, glorifying Him with their words.

For those of us with the gift of gab, this really is good news. We don’t have to stop talking (whew). We just need to carefully weave the truth of God’s love in and through our conversations as the Holy Spirit leads.
Of all the things the queen of Sheba said to King Solomon, this statement stands out: “Praise be to the Lord your God” (1 Kings 10:9). Though she also applauded the king and his people, the queen of Sheba reserved her highest praise for the One who made Solomon wise.

These ancient women show us a timeless truth: our words matter, and God’s Word matters most of all.

by Liz Curtis Higgs 

For a chance to win a FREE–AUTOGRAPHED copy of Liz’s new book straight from her hands to mine to yours, JUST SAY IT IN THE COMMENTS “It’s Good to Be Queen”!!



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    1. Hi Debbie! S good to have you! Please spread the word for Liz about the book and my give-away!!

  1. Its good to be Queen! I love all of Liz’s writing as well 🙂 Can’t wait to read this one too!

  2. It’s Good To Be A Queen! I also enjoy Liz’s writing. She is an encourager – both in her writing and speaking.

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