“She Heard”
LifeWay Women Live Webcast featuring Surrendering the Secret with Pat Layton Feb. 8, 2011 12:00pm-1:00pm (central time) Join Chris Adams, Senior Lead Women’s Ministry Specialist, Paige Greene, Director of LifeWay Women Training and Events, and Pam Case, Director of LifeWay Women, 12 Noon-1:00 PM CST as they host: LifeWay Women…
Good Morning World! Yes, I know, it is waayyy into the morning in many places. I am bit bit slow this morning but Hello Fresh Word Friday. The word for today is AUSTERE!!! WhoooHooo! Austere:–adjective1. severe in manner or appearance; uncompromising; strict; forbidding: an austere teacher.2. rigorously self-disciplined and severely…
This annual survey really helps me to serve you better. I want to write and speak only what inspires, encourages and truly helps you on your journey of faith! I would be so grateful to hear your feedback on the following questions—in fact—so grateful, I will send you a FREE…
I have been surrounded by “sisters” all of my life. I have 3 natural born ones. We are all quite close in age which makes life fun!! As a matter of fact, one just celebrated a birthday and although I am the “oldest daughter” she will be the same age…
Liz Curtis Higgs may be one of my favorite writers, speakers and women in ministry of all time! She just is. I have always loved Liz’s books–both her Fiction and Non-Fiction fill my book shelves. I mean still my beating heart for Whence Came a Prince (Waterbrook, 2005). When I…
I love change. The thing I love most about God is how He, although never changing in the ways that matter, is always doing a NEW THING. He is always blessing us in new ways. Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Isaiah 43:19 See,…
ummmm…please don't tell me that you were there and I didn't meet you.
Ugggghh. My heart aches.
And yes, Jennifer Rothschild message Saturday night was simply amazing. I bolted out of the auditorium, went straight to my room and wept before the Lord.
I can't believe I didn't know you were there.
I absolutely LOVE Jennifer Rothschild and have heard her speak at numerous times. I was not at SheSpeaks but hope to go next year. But I will check out the available tapes you linked us to.
BTW, I see Sandy left a message above. I wrote a post about Sandy going to SheSpeaks with her manuscript. We were all praying for our friend Sandy. Too bad you two didn't get to say hello in person.
Blessings to you,
Oh my Sandy…I am so sad!! How could we let that happen?
I would love to hear about your adventure!!
Next year is a MUST! You will love it!
Pat, thank you for reminding me to expect God to speak to me anytime and anywhere.
Can we actually order tapes? To my understanding, in the past you had to attend the conference in order to purchase them. Oh, I'd love to order a few from this year if I can!!!!
So glad you had such a personal encounter with God.
Great Post Pat…… I was so blessed to be able to spend some time with you….. You are His girl Pat!