Saving the Next Generation

As you can see by the date of my last post–the NEW year has pretty much started the same way the OLD year ended–a busy bundle of full days and fun adventures.

I have 2 BIG things going on that have taken up my time each day from dawn to dusk (or is that dust??).

I would love to share with you.

#1) My new book A Surrendered Life is FINALLY in my hands.

ALL books are a journey for the author and everyone who lives with them. I have heard it said “When Mamma writes a book–everyone writes a book”. That is so true. This one has surely been an EVERYBODY book 🙂

A Surrendered Life was actually, as I saw it, nothing more or less than a GOD ASSIGNMENT. I did not really WANT to write it so much as I felt God COMMANDED me to write it. The book takes my bible study Surrendering the Secret (Lifeway 2008) and expands the discussion to include men; couples and those who have never had an abortion, but love someone who has (which is EVERYONE!)

It has taken me 2 years to write this and 6 more months to get through the publishing process.

We have spent the first 17 days of this year preparing for the first official release of the book on January 22 in Charlotte, NC–the 40th Anniversary of the passing of Roe vs Wade. We have had now, 40 Years, a Biblical GENERATION, of lives lost by abortion. Over 55 MILLION potential Moms, Dads, Brothers and Sisters, Doctors, Lawyers, Electricians, Scientists, Teachers, Presidents and Pastors…have been aborted. Estimates reveal that somewhere around 40% of all women alive today share the horrific heartbreak of a past abortion. It truly is TIME to heal the heartbreak and make sure that our sons and daughters–and grandchildren–know the truth about this thing that God hates, “the shedding of innocent blood” (Proverbs 6:16).

On January 22, I will be in Charlotte to be a grateful part of a new TV series that is featuring Surrendering the Secret and will allow you into the very private journey of healing that God uses in this study. You will watch over a 10 week time period as 5 women share this bible study journey.

Check this out:

We are excited to see what God will do with these new tools!!

Please join us on January 22 as we release into God’s Great Hands, these new tools for His use and His Glory!

If you are watching TWEET ME! and use hashtag #itstimetohealtheheartbreak (It’s Time to Heal the Heartbreak) @STSsister

I am asking God for 1 MILLION healed hearts through Surrendering the Secret and A Surrendered Life. We have built a team of 1,000 leaders. If they reach 100 each, we will get to our MILLION. Will you join me to pray for that? If you say yes, I have a gift for you at the end of this post.

OK, enough about that 🙂

The next thing that has kept me busy and that I am bursting at the seems with excitement about is Hosting my VERY FIRST Freedom Weekend!! DRUM ROLL SOUNDING IN MY HEART!!

I have been sharing the Imagine Me..Set Free Conference for about 3 years now and loved every single minute of every single one. They are most often hosted by churches around the US. I LOVE that!! We have one coming up in Grand Rapids, Michigan next month.

The Freedom Weekend I am planning will knock your socks off girlies!

Registration opened TODAY!! YHOO HOOOO!

Since I have hit my Michael Hyatt Blog Word limit—I’ll tell you more about that later 🙂

OK–So, if you will agree to pray with me on January 22 that God will uses STS and ASL to heal the heartbreak of 1 MILLION Women and Men, let me know in the comments, be sure I have your email address and I will send you a PDF of an article I wrote called “A Generation Lost” that will help you hear my heart about why healing matters beyond the person healed!

Love you friends, I am honored that you read this far (100’s of words over my limit 🙂  HEY–I had 17 days worth of words backed up!

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  1. Pat YES!!! I commit to praying on January 22 and also want you to know that me and several other STS leaders are meeting together that evening to pray and talk through ideas of how to better reach the women that are heartbroken over their past abortion. As always God’s timing is perfect-when we set this meeting we were so focused on finding a date that worked for all of us that at the time I didn’t realize the date was the release of your book and the first STS session on Knock TV but HE did. Amazing!!! Can’t wait to see you at the conference in Grand Rapids!!

    1. Karen, you and our sisters in Grand Rapids are such front line warrior(esses 🙂
      I am honored to partner with you and will be so blessed to know that you are praying with and for us!
      as for the Imagine Me Conference in Grand Rapids–we are preparing to watch God Rock Our Worlds!
      Love ya girl 🙂

  2. I will pray!! I just went through STS leader training in December with Tricia in Fort Worth.
    Even though our church has not set a start date for the first classes, the timing in RvW anniversary & KnockTV’s series kickoff is perfect for raising awareness of the need for healing. I believe the more awareness there is of the resulting pain and heartache for everyone touched in any way by abortion, the closer we will be to turning this generation around and celebrating life. Thank you for your hard work and passion for sharing the truth. I will be watching on January 22 from Granbury, Tx!

    1. I agree Lori, God has us in His grip and continues year after to year to give His Bride, a chance to heal and lift our voices!!
      Thank you Surrendered Sister!
      Keep me in touch,

  3. Pat, I am in agreement with you in asking God for 1 MILLION healed hearts through Surrendering the Secret and A Surrendered Life on Jan 22nd. With this being the 40 year mark of Roe v Wade I also pray for all our hearts to be open to Gods will, that we are all seeking Him for what He has planned for us; to share the love of Jesus to others.
    We met you a couple of months ago in Tampa a small group from Naples FL. Since then I had the Blessing to go through STS with a BEAUTIFUL group of woman. The Lord has blessed us at New Hope Ministries to open the doors to this ministry. Please include Naples FL in your prayers for the woman to be able to put their shame aside to hear the truth of what Jesus did for us and to be able to go forward step by step and let our Lord help them remove their chains for once and all in the name of Jesus !!!
    With all my heart down here in Naples Fl

    1. Thank you Debi–i MILLION!!! YES Lord.Thank you Jesus for using STS in Debi’s life. Use her testimony Lord in naples and beyond. Bring them in to this ministry from the north, south, east and west. Restore lives and hearts as only you can do!! As Debi has asked, remove their chains once and for all, in the name of Jesus!

      Blessings Sister–thank you for praying!

  4. Oh yes I will pray! It was the very thing that God used in my life to help me and I want. it to continue to help others!!! I am grateful today that you have obeyed God all these years!

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