Send forth your LIGHT and your TRUTH, let them guide me; let them bring me to your Holy mountain, to the place where you dwell.

Psalm 43:3

One of the things I am most thankful for since my surrender to Christ on June 9, 1984, if not THE THING I am most thankful for, is my love for God’s Word. It came strictly by grace. I was very unfamiliar with God’s Word up until that day. I knew only the basics of the Christian faith–Jesus was born in a manger; died on the cross; rose again and went to heaven where good people go when they die.

Upon lifting me head from the alter of surrender, my eyes went straight to God’s Word and latched on. I have had a deep love for the scriptures every since. Not without fail mind you. I have lapses of “in the Word” times, mostly when I am knee deep in MY VERSION of ministry, leaving my quiet time for “when it works out”. I am always lonely when I let that happen. I always have a sense of emptiness no matter how busy I get. I am so grateful for that. I WANT to be empty without God’s Word. 

The truth is, I am in a season of sifting. It has been a LONG season and frankly, I am tired of it. Transition has been going on in my life, in one way or another, pretty consistently for about 5 years now and I have not always handled it well. There have been many days when I have been confused. Times when I have felt rejected. Risks God has called me to take, where I have been fearful. I have all too often, resorted to my “go to” response when I am insecure and afraid, I RUN! I RUN hard and fast.

Of course, I don’t mean to run from God but sometimes I do without realizing it. I run to people. I run to accomplishment. I run to success. I run to approval. I run to what is NEW. I run to what is OLD. I run to busy. I run to activity.

Fortunately, my Jesus runs faster. He pursues. He chases. He shows up. He speaks. He shines light into the darkness  and He places TRUTH in my path.

He calls and I stop running away and run into His arms; His Word; His dwelling place.

Jesus chases you as well. He NEVER lets go.


I love these words from Beth Moore’s Praying God’s Word in the Chapter titled “Overcoming the Enemy” where she teaches and reminds us that we in fact HAVE AN ENEMY and he is always looking for a chance to slip in and cause doubt, despair, darkness. I love how Beth reminds us that when we are serious about God and Kingdom service, that we move from being an “interest” to the enemy to being a “concern” to being a “THREAT”.

This is what she says:

“The Bible has much to say about fighting the good fight of faith and becoming well trained soldiers…but it has far MORE to say about the pure pursuit of God and all things concerning HIM!”


I would love to hear how YOU are doing with your WORD time. How is the enemy showing up in your life today?

Can you share a Word that God has given you to use as a weapon against enemy attack?

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