Runaway Bunnies with BHAGs

Do you have a BIG HAIRY AUDACIOUS GOAL brewing in your head?

Do you sometimes stay awake at night planning and organizing–YET AGAIN–a dream, a vision, a mission that stirs in your heart without rest?

Is there something AMAZING that you long to be? see? accomplish?

In the childhood story “ The Runaway Bunny” by Margaret Wise Brown (1942), the story is told of a little bunny that challenges (his) mother with threats of “running away” from her. He has some BHAG’s for life and is itching to be set free.

Some of us start life really early with BHAG’s–Big Hairy Audacious Goals! We have dreams that are bigger than life itself. We have places to go and people to see. We imagine worlds to be conquered and a “Claim to Fame” to be captured. We long to BE SOMEBODY. Do SOMETHING Significant. Have our lives matter.

As the little bunny presents the argument for (her) many options of escape from the clinging embrace of the Mama bunny, Mama always has a comeback, like any good Mamma should.

When the little bunny says, “I’ll become a fish and swim away from you” the Mama says, no problem, “I’ll become a fisherman and “catch” you.

Next, the little bunny presents the ideas of becoming a “bird” but the Mama smartly declares that she will then become a tree.

The battle goes on and on until finally the little bunny settles down and cuddles into the arms of the Mama finally convinced that Mama is smarter than she is.

I have always been as raring to go as that little bunny, but I have not always been as smart.

God tells us in His Word in Psalms 139, that His “clinging arm ability” far surpasses that of the Mama Bunny in the story.

He tells us that if we go up to the Heavens, he is there and that when we make our beds in the darkest places of life, He is there.

He says in this passage that He actually knows where we will be, what we will say and the choices we will make way before they ever are actually formulated.

That is really good news.

We don’t have to strive or chase our dreams. We don’t have to BECOME something that we are not. We don’t have to be afraid that our dreams will “get away”, we simply have to crawl into the lap of our MIGHTY, Abba Father and RELAX.

He will carry us into the plan that He has for our BHAGs and He does have a PLAN!! (Jer 29:11)


BTW–This WEEK is your LAST CHANCE to Win THIS!! The Made to Crave Kit.

I will be drawing a name from ALL February Living Free comments. Every comment qualifies for an entry so I would love to hear…

Are You Itching to HOP with a BHAG???

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  1. Oh yes, I have BHAGs and at present the Lord is bringing some of them to fruition with regard to my Bible study. Praise Him!!

    I love psalm 139…it was my memory work for 2010. Such rich truth!!

    Bless you, Pat.

  2. You are my DREAM and as the “daddy” bunny I’m glad I captured you many years ago. Keep on, keeping on God loves your spirit and your joy!!!!!!

  3. Crawling up in God’s lap and letting HIM guide me….He has put dreams in my heart and I am looking forward to seeing how HE unfolds them.

    SEE YOU SOON!!!!

  4. Just think it doesn’t matter who I am, who I will be or even who I’ve been…..God still carries me. Thanks for the reminder, Pat,
    Another Runaway Bunny.

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