Root Canals and Revelation

I just got home from the dentist. Yep- it’s only Monday! My week started with the FUN-FUN-FUN of the 2nd half of a Root Canal. Oh Yeah.

Last Monday, 1st half–today 2nd half.


I know I’m kind-of weird but while I was enduring the torture (actually my Dentist was great) of this fun, I tried to “fix my mind on things above” and was pondering some encounters I had this past weekend at my church women’s conference.

I led a workshop on finding your purpose and I served on the prayer team.

I was particularly struck and deeply moved by several “last hope” kind of prayer encounters I experienced. Woman after woman sat down in front on me with vacant eyes overflowing with hopeless, last chance prayer requests.

I couldn’t help but think about my FIRST 1/2 of the root canal over the weekend; then again today as I prayed through the second half.

Here are some things I decided that last hope prayer SOMETIMES has in common with a root canal:

1) Something has been neglected way too long and has now come to a critical condition.

Neglected–Time spent with Jesus one on one in worship, Word study, prayer.

Neglected–Focus on Marriage.

Neglected–Intentional Parenting.


THE BIG ONE—Neglected–Knowing and Embracing of God’s WORD and His TRUTH verses the enemies LIES.

2) Infection has settled deep into the roots and is going to cost something to fix.

It breaks my heart to see women who return over and over for prayer but never actually DO what they are counseled to DO. It breaks my heart to ask women over and over again–DO YOU KNOW WHAT GOD SAYS ABOUT THIS?? only to see their sad eyes fill and their heads shake NO.

3) Some digging and drilling and pulling stuff out will likely be required.

Sometimes it takes going back to the past to get going towards the future. Some heartbreaks, heartaches and hidden hurts really must be pulled up and have light shown on them in order to break the stronghold that Satan has attached. The TRUTH really does set us FREE!

4) Medication and Antibiotic must be applied before complete healing can take place.

God’s Word is Medicine. God’s Word is LIGHT. God’s Word brings direction. God’s Word brings wisdom.

There is no shortcut that MAN can PLAN. God can do a quick work but going to people verses going to HIM is merely a band-aid approach. Like taking Aspirin for a toothache and expecting it to just disappear!! 🙂 (Who does that??) Sooner or later, the roots have to be cared for. God’s Word is medication and health for our hurting hearts and broken lives.

5) Later is better than Never and it is Worth the Cost.

Jesus is our Healer and he WANTS to set us free from the sickness and disease that attacks our homes; our marriages; our health; our self-worth; our dreams; our CALLINGS!

Some ROOT CANALS are filled with REVELATION!! Don’t you agree?

So–what has happened in YOUR DAY that could be turned into a Spiritual Truth? 🙂


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  1. Sorry, but I just have to say this. My brother is dead. I feel like someone extracted a tooth that was healthy and they did it without pain meds. Nothing is easing my throbbing heart, today. I am clinging to every verse I have every learned, saying every prayer I know to say and reaching for everything God has to offer me, but the pain is tearing me apart. I know “this too shall pass”, but this moment seems like an eternity. I just want to be with my brother.

    1. Judy, I am so sorry for your loss. It is so hard to understand the whys of losing a loved one. So hard! I pray you will begin to feel God’s arms around you…holding you…collecting your tears and sorrowing with you. I pray you will find new strength…new manna…for each day. May God comfort you, dear one.

  2. well….of all things
    I was at my dentist office this morning at 9 getting the 2nd half of my crown finished up!!! So your post was just amazing!!
    My husband and I spent Friday & Saturday at a marriage conference and was encouraged greatly to keep on keeping on. We have been married for 27 yrs. but there’s still a lot of junk in my trunk that needs to be healed. I am getting there though!!
    I like #5 – “later is better than never and it is worth the cost”
    thank you!
    p.s. for Judy – I am so sorry for your loss. I will keep you in my prayers

    1. Anita–don’t ya just LOVE a day at the dentist 🙂
      I am SO PROUD of you for working on your marriage. It is such a joke and a LIE to think that we can keep marriage healthy without and occasional dose of good leadership, mentoring, counseling!! My husband and I have had outside help several times during our marriage and honestly, after 36 years, we probably need ot seek out a good retreat ourselves.
      Thanks for your visit and your sweet honesty!

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