Reflection Question: Am I anything?
Wednesday Prayer Share
My chair time this morning led me to this “reflection” upon the “Love” test found in 1 Corinthians 13.
I have revised it just a bit for my personal evaluation–
Wednesday Prayer Share
My chair time this morning led me to this “reflection” upon the “Love” test found in 1 Corinthians 13.
I have revised it just a bit for my personal evaluation–
I interrupt this Day 15 of our 24 Day/Hour journey with you with a huge praise report of my own. Yesterdays Day 14 focus was on Psalm 139:14Â “I PRAISE YOU because…..” We chatted about the healing and freedom filled choice to PRAISE GOD for all the great things He…
Good morning my Jesus. I am bursting with joy and excitement. You are full of surprises Lord. Today, I start a Summer adventure with 625 women from all over the world as we PAUSE together for a few minutes each day to PONDER your word, post a little…
Day 5 – Unstuck Security You hem me in behind and before; you have laid your hand upon me. Psalm 139:5 Unstuck Truth #5: God has been, is and always will be present. He will never let you go. Guess what sister?? Salvation Secures Your Destiny! Your complete surrender to…
“Now faith is the assurance of things HOPED FOR, the conviction of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1 I love to ride a see saw. There is just something about that up and down motion that is relaxing. There is the push part that places you in charge while the…
When I was little, we used to spend our family vacations camping. And I remember one summer, a bunch of us kids were swimming and playing in the lake at the campground. There was a cable that created a boundary for the swim area. And we would all climb up…
The answer is YES! Whatever amount of time works for you! Over the past few years of working through Life Unstuck, I have written studies and created resources for each of those time frames. I have even produced a 6 WEEKS study kit to be used in Bible study groups….
Wise words for me this morning..thank you!
Dearest friend, I just got off the phone with you (enjoyed our 'brainstorm' session!) and came here to see how God confirmed His Word to both of us on LOVE. It's an awesome "heads up" when He does that! For some time now He has been dealing with me on my 'love walk' and how love 'grows cold'. Because of what's going on in our world today (bank failures & elections in particular) I've been so aggravated with my fellow man 🙂 Matt. 24:12 spoke to me on just that "And the love of the great body of people will grow cold because of the multiplied lawlessness and iniquity”(AMP) AND in The Message… "In the confusion, lying preachers will come forward and deceive a lot of people. For many others, the overwhelming spread of evil will do them in—nothing left of their love but a mound of ashes.” I don’t want to be a mound of ashes or nauseating to Christ! Thanks for your timely reflection that has gently convicted my heart. And by the way, I love you! (thought I’d start my re-commitment to love with an easy one! Haha!) Linda
“If I write books (or blogs) and publish articles and make grand speeches that set the world agape and fail to transcribe the Word of the Cross in my Daily Language of LOVE, I am nothing.”
This surely speaks to this lover o’ the blog and all-things-written this day.
Amen and Amen.
Love you,
Pat, this very much resembles the chapter we just finished in our online study. It is about Ms. Spirituality. Ms. Spirituality is about performance and God wants us to be about a relationship with Him and is concerned with the condition of our heart not the performance of our life.
Come see and comment.
This has been the song in my heart for the past few weeks, I sang it as a teenager, loved these verses and yet it’s here and now that it resonates in my deepest parts in such a humbling way.
thank you!
As I read those words from Corinthians I thought, “This would be a perfect piece to share with ‘my group’ as we meet for our last session next week. As I read through this devotion I saw the face of each woman that has made the climb through this journey with me. I love each one and pray I have spoken love over anything else. Greater than that, however, I realize that nothing is mandated of us in scripture that Jesus has not modeled Himself. Over and over through the weeks of the Surrendering the Secret study, God has showered us with His love and has been so utterly sweet to us. He has met each woman individually and given His freedom, love, redemption in specific ways to remind each of us that He is El Roi, ‘the God who sees me.’ It is overwhelmingly precious to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ.(Eph.3:18
Pray for our group as we end our study next week with an actual MOUNTAIN CLIMB over a beautiful setting!!! If you’re ever in Texas, I’ll show you the spot!
Blessings and love,
Sweet Sisters,
Thank you for your visit this week. I plan to stop by your blogs later this weekend!
Teresa…Wise words in the morning are especially good and hopefully fuel for a better day!!
Linda..Welcome to Sweet Tea, Sweet Friend!
Melinda, YOU are an example of 1 Corinthians 13~~
Paula—I will get there sooner or later :)!!!
Tammy—I can’t wait to hear!
My heart actually pounds as I read this. You are REQUIRED to connect with me the minute you can. I feel as if I am going with you and I truly wish that I was.
Deep love and much prayer!!
Tricia…ps…don’t forget that I will be in Texas in a few weeks!
hey pat:
saw your message to me and I do not know what has happened but I do not have your phone numbers on my phone!!! So I have tried to contact you but unless you reasd this and call me I will call you Monday at the office 🙂 for I am REQUIRED to contact you ASAP and am happy to do so!!!
Tricia Heflin