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  1. They are both great choices but I pick the 2nd one. She appears to be surrendering whereas the 1st seems to be celebrating.

  2. I like the picture of the second one better because of reasons stated by Barbara above, but the words are harder to see and read – not enough contrast.

  3. I know what your saying Karen A. These are just mock-ups so that would be fixed.

    They are neck to neck here but #1 has a landslide on Facebook.

    Funny how tastes differ huh?

    Thank you for helping!

  4. I be the tie-breaker on your blog :0) I love the first one. It just speaks to who you are and the freedom aspect of surrender.

  5. Both covers get to my heart but I am drawn to the first one as she seems to be rejoicing before the Lord who makes all things new!

  6. The first cover feels like surrender AND joy for the freedom after doing so! I like it best! No matter what cover though, I know the inside is going to be AWESOME~! 🙂

  7. I agree – cover #1 is best. I love the way she has her arms up in the air in full surrender. There is something so peaceful and joyful about it.

  8. Thank you friends! I gave the publisher the GO AHEAD on the beach joy.
    It’s just makes me smile and think of what I want women to experience,
    Love you all,

  9. Well initially I thought the first one. But then I got to thinking about it, and no one really looks like that on the beach. It’s not real. But your story is real.

    Then I really liked the second one because it is more real and showing how you surrendered to God in your struggles. I would have went with the second one. I see that you have already made your choice. But I was already on your site, so I thought I would go ahead and comment. : )

  10. oh bummer, I have been out of town and just got back in and read this. I guess I would have asked if you could’ve compromised by putting the 2nd lady’s picture with a beach scene! I hate making decisions anyway so it’s just as well that it’s already been decided– can’t wait to see it on the bookshelves or online store.

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