October Baby! Baby!
Finally, it’s here! The moment we have anticipated for 6 months.
October Baby will be in the theatres this Friday. Be sure to check out the website at www.octoberbabyfilm.com for theatre locations. If there is not one in your town now is the time to make it happen.
This movie has the potential to change the nation for the sanctity of human life and to break the stronghold the enemy has had through the secret of abortion and the unhealed voice of the church. There is laughter; romance; drama; heartbreak and healing.
You WILL laugh and you WILL cry and you will be moved to ACTION!
Check this out from Dr Thom Rainer, President and CEO of Lifeway Christian Resources.
If you have ended up on my website by following a trail from the October Baby website, I want to personally welcome you!
Maybe you have experienced the adoption journey found in October Baby.
My You Tube Video in my last post was taped by the Erwin Brothers, producers of October Baby.
Tell me YOUR adoption story in the comments section!
Maybe you have experienced the abortion journey found in October Baby.
If so I want to tell you about a healing plan that God has for you and those you love who have experienced the loss and shame of abortion.
Surrendering the Secret is not just a bucket list of references or of places you can go to get better.
Surrendering the Secret was published by Lifeway in 2008. Since that time I have been training churches all over the nation to minister heal and healing to those effected by abortion.
Surrendering the Secret wants to be your healing place.
We ARE where you can go!
We are a TEAM over 700 strong of trained women and men whose only desire is to offer healing and hope to men and women who have experienced the loss of a past abortion.
We are led by a team of 11 National Trainers who have the exact contact information you need in your city for your time of personal ministry.
I would personally love to know who you are. I would be honored to hear from you and how your experience with Surrendering the Secret progresses.
Share with me in the comments section below and I will send you a free gift from me and the STS team.
Blessings to you as you start your healing journey.
I have shared so often with you over the past year what STS has done for me. I am a different girl because of watching the dvds and doing the workbook. It gave me the courage to search out my local PCC and now after going through their volunteer training I am there every Thursday morning. It is the greatest blessing for me to be there. I thank God for the bible study you wrote so many years ago, and I thank Him for Lifeway’s role in getting it out there for those of us who suffered in silence.
I know I’ve told you this but I am so excited —
I am coming to hear you speak at Idlewood Baptist on April 27,28th — and looking forward to meeting you in person. I’ve got a girlfriend coming with me so it’s going to be a great weekend!
May God bless your ministry over and over and over!!
Anita, I can’t wait to see you. I ma praying that weekend UP right now. God’s got a plan, and it’s ALWAYS a good one 🙂
How wonderful is it to read what God’s done in your life, Anita! And how encouraging to hear how God is showing you He IS the God of Romans 8:28!
I look forward to MANY more stories of God healing the heartbreak of abortion all across our nation – as He takes the message of forgiveness, hope & EVERY life if beautiful to the big screen with October Baby!