Nobody Loves You Like Mamma!

I woke up this morning thinking about Mary. About her heart.

I have shared many times on my blog, that Mary’s is the heart in the Bible I most want my to be like. Of course there are many to choose from.

Esther’s courageous heart.

Ruth’s loyal heart.

Deborah’s brave heart.

But Mary’s heart was a surrendered heart. That is what I desire most of all. A heart…an instinct…an immediate YES response to God, no matter how little sense His direction means to me. I want a Mary Heart even when others don’t understand.

I think on that surrendered heart of Mary’s very often.

This morning was different. Today, I woke up thinking about Mary’s MAMMA heart.

I shared in my last post how I often start in one chapter or verse in my morning prayer time, and end up in a whole different part of the Bible. That’s what happened today. I started with the BIRTH of Jesus and ended up pondering His death.

I began to daydream about Mary’s Mamma heart.

I though about how much she loved that son of hers. How much she loved that boy. How much she loved that man.

I have 2 grown sons, both married to beautiful women. I cannot wrap words around how much I love my sons.

I have watched them grow from being protected to protector; from being provided for to providing; from being all about themselves to all about their families. I have loved them from the first smells of newborn babes until now as grown men. I have watched their successes and their failures. I have watched their hearts be broken and their hearts soar with joy.

Whatever their hearts do, mine does as well.

A Mammas love does not grow up and get married. A Mammas love grows along the way.

This morning, I am thinking about the heart of a Mamma that I have visited with this month in the book of Luke.

I found this and it is exactly how I was imagining it this morning from my bed.

Merry Christmas Friends. May the Reason for The Season be ALL that really matters.

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