NO Secrets!

Born to Bloom: Day 2

I am so thrilled about our Bible study team. It has been fun to see your comments and where you are from. We have close to 100 of you who have inquired or bought the book so I know we haven’t heard from everyone. Please don’t be shy!! CHIME IN and say Hi!

Over the past 2 days, if you have been able to follow the Mon-Thur plan (no worries if you have a different idea) you should have journaled or talked or thought about 🙂 Where you life is right now, today. Are you in a good or not so great place?

Here is what we know:

The Lord our God, has SEARCHED us and KNOWS us. He knows what we are doing; thinking;planning; fretting over; dreaming about; afraid of; hoping for; angry over……

Check out the definition of the word search:

to go or look through (a place, area, etc.) carefully in order to find something missing or lost:
to look at or examine (a person, object , etc.) carefully in order to find something concealed:
to explore or examine in order to discover:
to look at, read, or examine (a record, writing, collection, repository, etc.) for information: to search property title;
to look at or beneath the superficial aspects of to discover a motive, reaction, feeling, basic truth ,etc.



I love how many of you have said how much PEACE it brings to you to know that God has SEARCHED you. I certainly have had times in my life when that thought, that knowledge, freaked me out. I have had so many secrets in the past and done so many things I wish I had not done. You can read more about that here. God has delivered me from so much heartache and loss. He has SET ME FREE from my past and continues to lead me out of those pits that I slip into now and again.

How about you?

Have you taken time to work through your past with God? He may have some stuff He wants to do in your heart. He may have some ways he wants to use you to help someone else.

I would love to hear that you are still with me and maybe how these 2 verses settled in your heart.

Memorization Tip: Write Ps 139:1-2 on an index card. Read and reread it all day. Recite it to yourself in the mirror tonight before bed and see how you do with it before looking at the card tomorrow.

I’ll be back in a few days 🙂


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    1. Yep- giving it good effort. I love this Psalm and the knowledge that even though He knows all the good, the bad and ugly, He seeks me out, He loves me, He is present with me…. not because of, or in spite of. In the verses I have memorized, it is present tense ….His relationship is ongoing, even though He knows all about me- praise you Lord and thank you!

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