I love a fresh calendar!

They absolutely DEMAND a fresh new start. Weeks, days and hours filled with the unknown and waiting to be embraced, experienced and enjoyed.

There will be laughter.

There will be tears.

There will be confusion and there will be clarity.

There will be favor and there will be rejection.

There will be dreams that come true and dreams that die.

It is all there.

The week between Christmas and the approaching New Year has always been one of my favorites. After the hustle and bustle that comes with weeks of preparing, shopping, cooking, parties and plays, I just love the STILLNESS of this week. I love the fact that the tree is still twinkling (drooping though it is). I love spending hours reviewing my last year’s calendar. I love remembering each event that is recorded, the good and the bad. We always have both don’t we?

For me, 2011 was a moving and shaking year filled with ministry, family and friends.

I traveled to 12 states (3 of them multiple times) and spoke at 25 events!! One with my darling friends Lysa Terkeurst and her adorable Assistant Holly! THAT was cool! And once with my DAUGHTER! A WOW moment and lifetime memory!

I have trained 12 new STS groups.

Spoken at 4 PRC Conferences

Spoken at 4 Brand New—“Imagine Me”—Freedom Weekends!

2 Churches and 3 Lifeway Women’s Ministry Events

In this same year, I have sat next to the hospital bed of someone very precious to me, wondering why he had to be there and what good might God make of it.

I have had a few friend failures (mostly mine).

I have grabbed hold of the HEM on behalf of several family members dealing with bad breaks or bad choices and sometimes both..

I love reviewing every minute that I can remember so that I NEVER forget the fact that I gave God an ugly PAST but He gave me a thrilling PRESENT and a hope filled FUTURE. I must proclaim His goodness!! It is a treasure that stirs up in my heart and RE-GIFTS each time I look over all that He has done for me.

God has given me a “theme” verse for 2011 based upon Isaiah 45:3 where He says, “I will give you the treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places”

“The Treasures of Heaven in 2011”

God did amazing things in 2010 but I have even higher expectations for 2011.

I pray that you too will take some time to look over last years events and spend some time recalling the moments that God allowed in your life.

Here are a few questions I ask myself as I prepare for the New Year.

What were the places/times/circumstances over the past year where I saw God most clearly?

What moments did I feel abandoned and alone?

What WOW moments do I want to plant in my heart forever?

What heartbreaks did God lift me through?

Where did He clearly provide? Open a door? Close a door? Answer a prayer?

What do I want 2011 to look like? What goals to do I have? What ministry has God called me to JUMP into?

What are my ONLY GOD CAN MAKE IT HAPPEN dreams for the coming year??

Back to my title word.


We are used to making New Years RESOLUTIONS. How about this year we make REVOLUTIONS instead.

Here’s what I’m thinkin’

REVOLUTION: An OVERTHROW through the REPLACEMENT of one thing, government or rule, over another; back to a starting point; a turning around.


RESOLUTION: An opinion; an intention; a resolve or determination.

Do you see the difference?

I had have way too many years of making RESOLUTIONS!

I want my life to be and create–REVOLUTION!!

I want Jesus and Kingdom advancement to OVERTAKE MY YEAR!!

How about YOU?

Want to join a REVOLUTION with me??

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  1. I gave God an ugly PAST but He gave me a thrilling PRESENT and a hope filled FUTURE. You just wrote my life story, Pat!! He lavished grace upon grace on my head and I am so thankful.

    I wish this week was lazy and calm. The week between Christmas and New Years is sooo busy. My step son comes so there is an extra person to look after. Plus on New Year’s Day I feed 50+ people Beans ‘n Greens. Nope, no rest for me this week. Probably next week.


  2. I will join you in a revolution!!! 2010 has brought me through so many different places and God has opened doors that I never even dreamed. He has also picked me up off the floor many of times, when all I really wanted to do was curl in a ball and make all the bad go away. BUT GOD….He is always there. Walking beside me, or carrying me when I can no longer go on.. He rejoices with me…loves me despite of my past..and spurs me on to “keep on, keeping on”. I am so looking forward to 2011 and all HE has in store!!

  3. You just summed up what has been on my heart this week! I am taking a vacation day from work on Monday, and intend to spend some good time in prayer, reflection, and dreams for the revolutions God will bring in 2011!

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