My Inspired Room!
I am so excited to take part in Melissa Michael’s The Inspired Room’s fun Book Release.
I know what it is like to deliver a baby—I mean BOOK 🙂 I have done a book release THIS YEAR! My new book Life Unstuck: Finding peace with your Past, Purpose in your Present and Passion for your Future just released in March of this year. I spent 2 years writing my heart out in that book and a year planning the actual book release. It was a sweet success–over 1,000 women attended an release event locally and about 50 precious women hosted small parties and gatherings across the nation to watch via satellite!
Therefore, I get it and I want to help Melissa succeed–PLUS—It just so happens, as they say, that I have an AMAZING ROOM PROJECT to share…
My very own INSPIRED ROOM!
The project backstory: My honey and I became empty nesters last year. Our last born daughter left the nest last Summer leaving an empty bedroom waiting for a new dream. LOGIC would have me create a pretty Guest Room. After all, a guest lover like me MUST HAVE a guest room if at all possible, right? Not this time. I decided that since we are blessed to have most all of our family and friends close by and some brand new hotels right around the corner for the few out of town-ers we might have visit, I had other plans for this room. At least for this season.
I decided I need a CREATIVITY ROOM. A DREAM ROOM. A PERISCOPE ROOM 🙂 to allow a place for women to not only read about, but to EXPERIENCE Peace, Purpose and Passion through Persicope, You Tube Videos and hands on activities.
I need a home base for that fun to take place–so, the bedroom where my daughters DREAMS 🙂 used to happen in the nighttime, has now become my DAYTIME DREAM ROOM!
I started with an empty room and a Chalkboard wall. This was NOT an easy task for me.I’ll she in another post what worked and what did not 🙂
I added some bookshelves for the books, products, SPECIAL PROJECTS (like my upcoming 30 Days to an Unstuck Christmas) and FREE WEEKLY GIVEAWAYSÂ (like this one) that I offer on my blogs and website store.
An inexpensive craft table from IKEA (and a few fun craft items) was just the right size and height for everyone plus would be perfect for a Periscope platform. I spray painted some $15.00 stools from Target for the perfect perch.
I dragged every ball of ribbon and very glue stick I own from every part of my house (they were spread everywhere since I LOVE Crafts and CREATING). I also raided a closet stuffed with gift wrap junk that ended up as a cute “Gift Wrap Station”.
This is my sweet Mom making masks for her retirement home. They turned out amazing!!!
Ang my youngest “G” babies, well–just making sweet messes!
I hope you will join me for some fun, starting with my 30 Days to an Unstuck Christmas and BLESS A FEW of someone else’s CHILDREN in the process. We are going to dream some dreams and makes some crafts!
NOW–please go to Amazon and get this beautiful book!
And maybe this one while you are there 🙂
Leave a comment below and SHARE this post on Facebook to be entered in my own drawing for a FREE COPY!
Dream on and PLEASE join me on PERISCOPE for a LIVE room tour!
I’ve been loving your Periscope “inspired” room! I listen and watch each time you give a tour of this really neat place, hoping that somewhere in me there is a little creative side 🙂
But for now I can only imagine…
love ya, girl!
Thank you Tammy, although I often forget whose “handle” is who 🙂 I alway look back and see your support!! THANK YOU!!!
Hugs friend,
that room is beautiful, Pat! Is that a kelly rae roberts angel hanging on the wall? Thanks for the inspiration!!!! Love, Kim
Thank you my darling. YES, it is a Kelly Rae–GOOD CATCH 🙂
Happy Tuesday!
BTW–I would LOVE to have your help promoting my 30 Day Christmas!!! Would you have time?
I am enjoying you Periscopes each morning! I am missjpm507-just so you know. Love your inspiration room! Keep up the great work Pat!
Yes Julia, I realized that as we went along–sorry–I have a tough time talking and watching comments so I try to stay focused but ALWAYS go back and see who visited. Thank you my friend, so glad to have you!!
Pat, I love how you made a lovely craft/video room or your family. Your G babies look like they are really enjoying it. I am really looking forward to reading this book and making my own Inspired Room.
I am also looking forward to your 30 days of Unstuck Christmas and will be signing up soon.
BTW, where did you get the little pink gumboil machines? My daughter saw the picture and said, “Mommy, will you please get me a little pink gumboil machine?
Thank you Laura! It was totally FUN!! The gumball machines were found somewhere on GOOGLE LOL! They are irresistible for kids, trust me, my G babies loved them!
Blessings to you!
Love the room! I have an extra room that I want to fix up as my Creative Corner, & your room is inspirational. Thank you for the chance to win a copy of your book. Would love to read it.
YES!!! Let me know if I can VIRTUALLY help! LOL