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Your Mission… If you choose to accept it!

Life is not just about receiving blessings but also to BE a blessing.

On Monday we took a look at Ruth’sCHOICE to be a blessing For example, we talked about Ruth on Monday.  Ruth chose, under difficult circumstances to walk in blessings. We can easily make the same choice.

Soooooo, your mission… if you choose to accept it… is to BE a blessing. The GOOD NEWS? It’s just not that difficult! Woopeeeeeee. To put little effort out and yet reap the endless rewards.

Sign Me Up. I ACCEPT THE MISSION!!!! <<<<<This message will self-destruct in 30 seconds>>>>> Just kidding 🙂

One of my very favorite books of all time is John Trent and Gary Smalley’s book The Blessing.

If you haven’t read it, I guaranty it will inspire your “blessings” to start right where you live, with those you love, just like Ruth did!

My favorite part of the Christmas season is the outpouring of joy filled giving. If ONLY we could all be so neighborly and loving in our day to day, 11 other months out of the year, right?!

We can… how about we use this month’s theme of BLESSING to host a give-fest?

Here are a few ideas of neighborly caring and Random Acts of Kindness to get you started!

Choose one or MORE.

Random PRAY— sooooooo, most of us do THAT constantly, but let’s do it with intention, purpose, focus. Take a sticky note or an index card and write down your intention, wish, blessing for that day (note: it doesn’t have to be someone in dire straights. It could be just a little extra Lovin’ or someone in which you care.

Here is a cute little journal The Weekly Prayer Project that might inspire your prayers and help you watch God check them off all year.

Random Neighbor Gifts–Have you ever had the thrill fo arriving home from work to a sweet, no reason, gift on your front porch.

Here is a fun idea from Pintrest! I got one just much this and swooned with gratitude. Such a sweet gift!

Throw in a cute pair of garden gloves for the win! $5 bucks!


Last one–Bless Backwards–We did this one in our Christmas Quest and loved it! If finances are not so much of an issue, how about paying for the person behind you in the convenience store line or the toll booth. How about leaving a note for the server that gave you TERRIBLE service. Why on earth not?

You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands. Isaiah 55:1

Happy Wonderful Wednesday! I would love to hear from you before FREE FRIDAY! I’ll be giving a treat away to a blog post guest!


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