
The Magic of Producing NOTHING!

It’s a NEW MONTH!!

Let’s do something radical this month.

Let’s do something HUGE!

Let’s take a giant leap of faith and DO NOTHING!

Let’s just RECEIVE shall we?!!

Let’s experience the magic of producing NOTHING!

My name is Pat and I am a “Do-Aholic” (my word!). I am always “doing” starting or knee-deep in SOMETHING.

A few years ago the ministry I was leading brought in a business consultant to give us some advice and help us strategize some new ideas we were considering. He ran a “personality quiz of sorts to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of our team. As he gathered us to share the results a sort of AWE/PANIC came over him as he announced my results.

He had determined that I was a “Quick Start”. In fact the HIGHEST score of Quick Start he had ever seen!

He went on to explain that a QUCK START was someone who was quick to pull the trigger on a new adventure; a new idea or a new risk. “The good news is” he carefully presented “you are someone who is willing to take risk to follow what you feel God is doing or saying in your life or the life of your ministry. The BAD news is, sometimes you are either too quick to act without actually HEARING what God is directing or you are too quick to be on overload”.

SAY WHAAT???!! Who ME???!!

Many years have gone by since that evaluation and not only have I learned to understand and agree with his evaluation but I am CONSTANTLY RE-LEARNING how to surrender that good/bad part of me to The Holy Trinity!

This year, 2017 has been a year of reminder, regroup and rebound in that area of my personality.

Every year in January, along with many of you, I ask God to drop a WORD or PHRASE into my heart that I can hang onto as the year unfolds.

This year my WORD was RECEIVE and I am HANGING ON!

When I did a bible search on the word receive I was stunned to see how many times in scripture God INVITES—in fact INSTRUCTS us to RECEIVE something from Him.

It was clearly a “STOP PAT—JUST STOP” I am trying to show you a NEW THING!

I started the year off with a deep study on the topic of REST and SABBATICAL as I was preparing for my NEW REST QUEST RETREAT to be held at The Cove in the lovely mountains of Asheville, NC the first weekend in June.

God has blessed my pursuit of REST and my sincere attempts at slowing life down long enough to RECEIVE in so many ways. I honestly feel this journey has changed my life and changed the way I will DO life as a “Do-aholic” forever more.

I would like to invite you to join me on this journey of RECEIVING FROM God over DOING FOR GOD!

My kick-off each month will happen in my E-Newsletter, A Refreshing Pause where I will introduce a THEME for the Month and provide a Bible Study list called A MONTH OF MONDAYS for your easy scripture study. The newsletter will also include a calendar for the month with prayer and self care prompts for each day!

If you have a bit more time and want to go deeper, I have some options for you!

1—A WEEKLY BLOG POST going a bit deeper in with some thoughts and reflections on the verse. (Subscribe to my blog here on the blog page!)

2—A discussion, sometimes LIVE, in “The Unstuck Woman Club” (sorry for the girls only) Private Group on Facebook. (Request to join here). I am also giving away the AUGUST Month of Mondays Calendar there for this month.

What do you think? Are you in? I’d love to hear from you in the comments below!



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  1. Finally coming over from catching up on a Refreshing Pause from the other day to say I love this new plan!

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