LAST CALL – 24 Words That Will Change Your Life
Going, going, gone!!
Friday (3/25) is the unofficial LAST day of our March Madness Celebration. I’ve loved every minute of sharing Life Unstuck with you and I hope you’ll stick with me as we transition into April’s “Reasons To Weed” – enjoying UNSTUCK Peace with Your Past!
But for now, let’s give March a little bit more attention. So far here are our weekly winners:
Week One : Nicole Cyr, who sent me a precious story about sharing the book with her daughter across the miles through SKPYE calls!–A Free Coaching Call!
Week Two: Deborah Bryan, my most faithful Periscope friend every first week of the month!–A Pair Of Cute Boots!!
Week Three: KIM WIEZYCKI! Thank you Kim for your support and encouraging words–A Life Unstuck Leader Kit Gift Box!
THIS WEEK: My final Life Unstuck birthday Give-Away will go to someone who writes a NEW AMAZON REVIEW!!