It’s beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas!
“I am looking for a little more stress, a little more hustle and bustle during the holidays, a few more silly places to spend my time and money.”
Said NO WOMAN, E-V-E-R! Right?!!
I have a better proposition: Let’s take some time during this holiday season to enjoy an UNSTUCK Christmas!
During “30 Days To An Unstuck Christmas” we’ll intentionally consider where, when and how Jesus was born in our lives and how we might overflow (no stress or pressure) His love with someone on our path each day for 30 days!
Here’s how it will work.
#1–Sign up to join the 30 days to an UNSTUCKChristmas team by clicking on the CART BUTTON ABOVE and make a $5.00 tax-deductible donation that will bless a needy child through World Concern’s “Change A Life This Christmas”.
#2–Beginning on November 24th though December 25th, you will receive a daily email from Pat that will provide:
**An Unstuck Christmas Heart: A brief daily devotion from the Christmas story found in Luke Chapter 1 that will set the tone for your day and help you savor an intentional moment to remember the Christmas story. Each devo ends with a short prayer for the day that we’ll all be praying together! Won’t it be cool to have hundreds of other women praying with and for you for an UNSTUCK Christmas season?! The Devo will also provide a place for making notes of your Christmas season this year—the sights, the sounds, the season’s lessons.
**An Unstuck Christmas Home: A simple idea that helps us to keep Christ the center of your own heart and home.
**An UNSTUCKChristmas Harvest: 2-3 ideas for you to choose from for a way to share the birth of Jesus TODAY as you go about your normal chores, job, errands and family life. Plus–To help with sharing your UNSTUCK Christmas journey, we will provide a daily graphic that can be shared on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter!
**Unstuck PRIZES!
Last but not least–You will be entered into a drawing to win some Life Unstuck BOOKS and BOOTS!
Hey—Why not start out by bringing your friends and family onboard! The best way to stay motivated is to have a friend join you for the challenge!
Here’s a tip: Share the challenge on your social media and in person with your friends and see who might want to join you.
Why not share an UNSTUCK Christmas?
I’m SO excited about this! Great idea! Signed up & sharing!!!