As we have watched a historic event come about with today’s monumental Presidential inauguration, I can not help but think of the monumental decision that was advanced 36 years ago on January 22, 1973.
Since that day over 50 MILLION unborn children have been destroyed by abortion in this “Land of the Free and Home of the Brave”.
Men and women all over America have been sold the lie that children are a “burden” and can be gotten rid of with the suck of a vacuum or the slice of a knife. They have been sold the lie that “it will only take a minute” or “you can get on with your life”.
I know, I was one of those women who was convinced that abortion was my only choice, my social responsibility, my easy way out.
Since that landmark decision was made, abortion is now legal throughout our nation up until birth and has wiped out entire generations of life.
If you would like to join me in honoring those organizations and ministries who stand on the front lines in this Nation on behalf of the unborn, please pass this You Tube along for prayer and consideration as you link to the website of one of those faithful and brave organizations.
As for me, I want to thank Heartbeat International, Carenet and Life International for their undying and unyielding service towards the protection of the Sanctity of Human Life in America and around the world. Stay the Course!! You are in my prayers.
On a local level, i would be remiss not to lift up my our own Tampa team of Hero’s at Life Impact Network!!
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Yes, it’s a BIG LIE! There is no going back to “the way things were”. It’s something that you live with forever. Thank you for all you have done for the unborn children. You are a tremendous blessing!
I stand with you in honoring all who stand for LIFE. May GOD turn the heart of our president and his administration to also stand for LIFE, not just the born but the UNBORN.
Yes, it’s a BIG LIE! There is no going back to “the way things were”. It’s something that you live with forever. Thank you for all you have done for the unborn children. You are a tremendous blessing!
Love, Jennifer
I stand with you in honoring all who stand for LIFE. May GOD turn the heart of our president and his administration to also stand for LIFE, not just the born but the UNBORN.
Hey sweet friend,
I’ve posted about this here:
I’m also doing something there that I hope all you and all your readers will join. Hop over and see what God would have you do!
A huge lie, and what a dissapointment in less than 3 days what has been over-turned.
Lord, help us, please don’t take Your hand off of us, we are clinging, we are in need…of You. Lord, come quickly.