I love getting older!

Now that’s a freedom statement!

It seems like the moment I turned the corner towards 50 I began to experience the physical process of aging.

Aches and pains that appeared out of nowhere. The need for different kinds of eye glasses for everything I do. The 10 pounds that suddenly appeared and have never left no matter how many miles I run or walk. The sudden changes in temperature that seem to sit on top of  my head like the sun itself. New wrinkles that appear daily.

In spite of the physical challenges of getting older, there are some things that are wonderful and precious to me. Much to my surprise, I have discovered a few changes in the process that I would not trade a single moment for younger age.

The matters of my heart grow stronger and stronger.

My love and appreciation for my family and friends grows deeper.

The roots of my faith grow wider and embrace more.

My passion for the Abundant Life and Freedom Christ died for grows hotter.

I repent faster.

I heal more completely.

I forgive easily.

I obey God quickly.

I praise Him joyfully.

I lift my hands higher.

I bow my knees lower.

I love more deeply. (I know I said this but it is worth repeating and SOME age things can’t be ignored)

I “see” clearly.

I dance freely.

There is no doubt that any one of these blessings is worth the extra glasses and the bigger jeans!

My good old love today friend,

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  1. How well do I relate to your comments on growing “old” gracefully!! Or at least that’s the way I look at it! My grandmother used to say that you are only as old as you feel. Well, some days I feel 30 again and other days 90!! But as I grow “older” I realize that we indeed are cramming for finals!! And I have to admit my patience is the one thing that I have to really work harder on now! Love your website! Will visit often!

  2. My girlfriend and I were just talking about this! How we love the ages we are now and are looking forward to the future. Not what I would have said in my twenties!!! I am growing in Christ and that is the one thing that I deeply appreciate. I want to continue my journey with Him and be all that He wants me to be!



  3. If that is what 50 is like….then I can’t wait to get there!!! Thanks for the reminder that He gives us blessings in each season of life.

  4. Janet, welcome! I am so glad that you stopped by and enjoyed your visit! That makes my day!

    And to my faithful friends Karla and Jennifer, you girls bless me so with your comments and visits. Thank you for encouraging me on, I am blessed to know that you feel my same feeling right back!!


  5. Dear Pat,
    Always LOVE your candor and your forthrightness… and … so many other things. 🙂

    Hmmm… not totally buying the “love getting older” part. All those wonderful things in your list? Why can’t we have that without all the “signs” of physical aging? I know it’s not possible that we don’t age physically.

    While I love the wisdom and appreciation for the simpler things in life I’ve gained with age… not really totally free or happy about the physical challenges over 50. I’m just saying…

  6. I know, “Love” getting older is a bit of a stretch 🙂 I agree that ideally we “get it” early, somehow wisdom just usually seems to grow with age>
    Oh well! It is all good!

  7. Smiling as I read this, because it’s so true! There are so many aspects to life that are BETTER as we age…so many things that no longer matter , and so many that MATTER MORE.

    Love you Pat.


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