How to Catch God’s Will: Step One.
Wow–what a week.
Since I last laid my heart out on this blog–I stood at a podium in front of close to 500 people and said goodbye to 27 years.
Not goodbye to memories or passion or even partnership with the people I have served with, but goodbye to a CALLING, a POSITION, a PURPOSE, an IDENTITY–A COMFORT ZONE!
I jumped. Finally.
I had kept at least one foot in that IDENTITY boat, regardless of where my other foot was, for a long time. The stretching had finally met it’s max. A break was coming no matter what.
The very next day I plopped that dangling foot right next to the other foot and joined what God is doing in my life.
I jumped. Finally.
It seems so obvious to THINK we have joined God. To THINK we are with HIM, doing what HE has asked when really SOMETIMES, we are doing what is SAFE. What we are familiar with. What seems the least risky. What feels the safest. What is familiar. God doesn’t put up with that. He removes Himself from situations that pretend to belong to Him. He removes Himself from ministry that does the OBVIOUS thing rather than the thing GOD is telling us to do.
It feels so good for me to know that when we finally JUMP–God is there. Waiting to catch us. I am in GOD’s NET!
I am listening, REALLY listening. Not assuming. Not rushing. Not claiming what I THINK is truth but really listening to what God is telling me to do.
I am learning from a Prophet in the Bible who did that. His name is Samuel. He listened to God.
His story is found in 1 Samuel 3.
Verse 19 says this:
The Lord was with Samuel as he grew up, and he let none of HIS WORDS fall to the ground.
Verse 21 says:
Do you need to hear from God?
Do you need direction? answers? a plan?
Me too.
Step One is to really LISTEN to God—through His Word.
Let’s Listen.
I would love to hear from you as well. What is God saying to you today, through His WORD?
Since leaving my position with Life Choices in their abortion recovery ministry, your blog posts have helped me to really trust in God. Shortly after leaving I began to doubt myself, did I do the “right” thing? Then your words of wisdom and how you are trusting God started popping up. I believe God is using you to help me in seek His will, get out of my comfort zone and listen for His instructions.
You have been a inspiration to me!
I do understand the “doubting” and wondering thing. I am discovering (can I say—AGAIN:) that the more secure I am in KNOWING that I have waited and listened long enough to hear God’s direction, the more secure I am in taking the necessary scary steps. I think in this last transition, I lacked that surety. What a difference it makes to take the time we need to really trust that we have God’s plan.
Let God’s Word and God’s Peace Lead!!
I’ll be sharing more about whatI am learning through this process. Thank you for joining me. I love to hear wisdom from others on the journey.
Oh Pat! What a great blog post!!!! I too am straddling the line and let’s get real, I’m not 13 and limber anymore! I am torn between following my creative passions and taking my quilting business to the moon – or – using my spiritual gifts of encouragement to make a case for a much needed staff position at church. God has aligned all the plans for the staff position in my head. The question is — am *I* supposed to be the staff person, or am I just supposed to share the steps while laying out the vision? Oh and PS: I have to help provide for the family in the mix too. I’m listening. Definitely listening.
Ann, how exciting! It sounds like you have several great options.
PLEASE keep me posted 🙂
What a timely post, Pat! God has me in a place of utter trust in Him for the message for an event this week. I’ve never been nervous about delivering a message or speaking publicly, but this message…whew! It is not your typical feel-good women’s event message. I know it is THE ONE He wants me to bring, but I have no idea how it will go over. Trusting Him with the outcome.
Leah–God has not made a mistake. He set this appt before time began and picked you out. He KNEW you would press in for HIS Word then deliver it humbly, sweetly and obediently! My prayers and blessing are with you sister 🙂
Thank you so much.
Good morning Pat:
It has been a long time, thank you for adding me back into your life. God has brought you back into my life for a reason, I am again at a cross roads and again am in need of prayer. Your blog is hitting me right in the face this morning. I have missed God’s will in the past and missing it again I cannot stand to do, not to be in the will of God will break my heart.
Thank you for being obedient to God with what you do.
In Christ, Nancy
Welcome Nancy. I want you to remember that NONE of us, regardless of appointment or anointment (if you will 🙂 has NOT missed God.
His WORD says in Ps 139:5 that He hems us in. Think about that. HEMMED is protected, captured, close.
If you keep your eyes on Him, your heart open to His voice and you ears to His word, HE KNOWS HOW TO FIND YOU!!
Your posts have inspired me. I am currently a pregnancy center director for almost a decade. It’s all I’ve known and I pray about transitions and the future. Praying for you as God leads you through this journey! Much love!