Are you a Mac or a PC??
I had such a great post going on in my head for today, the title is “You were Born to Change the World”—hold that thought,
instead, I appear to be having some blog issues.
It seems that on certain computers, my blog is all haphazard and in disorder. It appears that the issue is only found on Mac laptops.
Would you be so kind as to tell me…
How does this blog look to you and what kind of computer are you looking at in on?
It looks great! I love the flowers, bright colors.
There’s a spiral bound notebook in the middle. I read your request on the left page of the notebook and typing on that same side where there’s a box for me to leave a comment. All the ads and links are on the right side. At the very top is the menu bar and your banner with your name and type writer. I’m on a mac. I hope you figure it out. It doesn’t look haphazard to me – however, I don’t know what your designed layout is supposed to look like. Love, Mary
It looks great on my side. Computer I use…uhmmm
Laptop, Microsoft?
I’m not sure:(
Thank you! Thank you ladies!! I am so happy that you see it right, the blog is sooo pretty!
I JUST took my Mac to the “Genius” Bar…oooppps!
It looks awesome! You encourage and inspire me to step it up with my blog. I’m on a PC. Love you!!!
Everything looks great over here. I am a Mac girl through and through!
Looks great, fantastic, wonderful, best website in the world…on my macbook pro (using Safari, not firefox) ;^)
I see everything just like Mary described. I’ve never had a problem viewing your blog. I am on a PC.
Thank you all. It appears to be MY computer. Oh well. I am glad you all see it as it was so beautifully created!
Much Love,
Hi Pat,
I am using a Mac… the page is displayed so beautifully. No problems viewing it on my end.
As the quality differs between companies, there
are certainly a several that stand out as better
than the others.