Holy “To Do” Lists

I have a confession to make. I still use a 3 ring day timer.

I keep my calendar in there along with my “To Do” list, address book and various other daily life survival valuables.

My “To Do” list looks especially long right now with added things like:

1) Pick up Fresh Turkey by 3pm on Tuesday

2) Make Pies on Wednesday

3) Shop for Thanksgiving TODAY!! (7X’s Broccoli Casserole) (3X’s Sweet Potato Casserole)

I have tried to stop. I have tried to throw it away but I always dig it back out of the trash. I just don’t trust my brain without it.

Plus, where in the world do you keep prescriptions and coupons and birthday cards that need a stamp, if you do not have a binder that keeps it all together?

Where do you put sticky notes for heavens sake?

If you can help me figure that out, I am willing to listen and learn. After all, I am a lifelong learner!

I have a MacBook Pro laptop with a calendar, an IPad and an Iphone (Next Blog might be–“Mac Addictions”) but I do not trust those things to keep my “To Do List” safe. I just don’t. I am afraid that if I lean completely upon technology I will miss something or someone important and the world might stop spinning.. ya know.

People NEED me!

Stuff NEEDS to get done!



Jesus not only managed without a Mac (I just got a chill) but He also survived life without a “To Do” list. Wow.

The truth is, this world puts a whole lot more emphasis on DOING than Jesus does.

We DO a whole lot more stuff with our days that the stuff that really matters to eternity.

In the Chapter–John 17–that we talked about last post, Jesus is eye ball to eye ball with His last days of life. In this prayer He captures His entire Life’s Purpose in 3 things that matter:

1) The Work God gave Him to do.

2) The Words God gave Him to speak.

3) The World God gave Him to do the Work in and to share the Word with.

I just have to wonder, how much room do I have on my “To Do List”  TODAY for those things? Written or electronic?

In the busyness of this Thanksgiving week I am most Thankful for the Grace of God and for knowing that I am on HIS “To Do List”.

I am grateful that I know, beyond a shadow of doubt, the WORK of God that I am called to do, WORD of God that I am called to deliver, and the WORLD God has placed me in.

I don’t need a 3 ring binder or a laptop to remember.

How about you?

Do you know your WORK? WORD? WORLD?

By the way… How DO you keep your “other stuff that matters less”……”To Do List”? Paper or Electronic?

ONE WEEK LEFT for my November Giveaway!! Leave a Comment Below to be entered to win my Friend Lysa’s new book Made to Crave

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  1. I still use a Franklin planner and I have a Mac. We’re in the same boat. I have a “sticky notes” app on my phone but I don’t trust it. Lol. I’m still a pen and paper girl. Thank you for the reminder that we need to remember kingdom work first. Thank you for your blog!

  2. Girl, I am there with you. My 3-ring is imitation pink croco!!! Filled w/ bills & cards that need to be mailed, post it notes, pens, highlighters and a master list to remind me where to find all my other lists 🙂 But added to that list this year is my Thanksgiving List. Just completed Beth Moore’s “Believing God” Bible Study and had the “opportunity” ugh! of reviewing my life for the last 47 years, but included in that was the pleasure of seeing how my God has been faithful for 47 years even during seasons when I was unfaithful. Reading David Platt’s “Radical” at the same time. So your post on “Work, Words and World” is quite timely. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

  3. I so want to be an electronic manage-my-life kind of girl. I’ve tried several systems, the latest of which was Nozbe. But I alwasys revert back to paper. I wonder if I’m I’m just too “out of sight, out of mind.”

    If someone tells you how to make it work for you electroncially – let me know!

    Thanksgiving Blessings ~ Rachel Olsen

  4. Well, I finally graduated to an electronic calendar when I got my first Blackberry a few years ago. BUT, I make sure that I keep it backed up to my calendar on my computer. I still have a fond affection for the worn leather Franklin planner, however, and would go back in a heartbeat if it wasn’t so cumbersome to try to stick in my purse.

    You’ll make the switch when the Lord ordains it, my friend.


  5. Paper all the way for me! I’m like you with my planner, and I am addicted to making lists, especially on things like pretty notecards and sticky notes. Thank you for this reality check. I put a lot of emphasis on “doing.” I didn’t think there was anything wrong with it until my husband said, “Wow, you really struggle with being works-oriented, don’t you?” As usual, he was right. I still don’t trust myself to serve the Lord well without my lists and planner (which sounds ridiculous, I know), but I’m learning.

  6. Thank you ladies. It looks like my paper trail is not so odd after all. My post inspired me to try again. I have converted all of my notes and dates onto my iCal and put my notebook away in a cabinet in my office.
    We will see how this works 🙂 and long I make it this time.

    Now…Where is my grocery list???

    Happy Thanksgiving,

  7. My husband is a big “techy” and has been trying to get me to use electronic means to keep myself organized. Yet I still have my paper planner – just in case!!

  8. I too use a day planner….can’t live without it….I too have an IPAD, IPHONE and LAPTOP, but just can’t seem to remember synch them all….soooo the paper way works for me…

    Thanks Pat for all that you do….Love the blog….and enjoyed the Monday session of Surrendering the Secret training….you are amazing!!!! I hope you are feeling better…and blessings for a wonderful Christmas!!!!
    Come see Leah and I in Midland sometime!!!!

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