Happy! Happy! Happy!

Can you tell I am HAPPY?? 🙂

I am HAPPY to be Alive in Two-Zero-One-Five (2015)

I have lived long enough to know that years come and go filled with both good times and bad times. I think scripture says it this way..

“There is time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven…” Ecclesiastes 3:1

I get it that only God knows the ways of our days and that only He has the big plan. I am good with that. Very good in fact.

However, my plan–my single resolution–is to make better choices with my heart, emotions and faith in 2015 than I did in 2014. Last year was filled with way too much empty. Lots of loss. Lots of dead ends. Lots of heartache. Lots of tears. Not only my own but for many close friends. People I love.

This is the thing for me–I am starting stronger. Last January–I started out with weak faith. I was preparing for loss. I knew it was coming.

This year, I am starting with strong faith. I am preparing for gain. I know it is coming.

Last year I had to learn some stuff I thought I already knew. I had to let go of some stuff I didn’t know I was holding so tightly. I had to surrender some places I thought were surrendered. It is so funny really. I started the year with an legal-binding assignment, one I could not squeeze out of, to write a book about LIFE UNSTUCK and I was OH–SO–STUCK!!! Isn’t that just like God? To lead us into places and situations that ONLY HE can make sense of. Only He can make a man out of mud. Only He can make a mess into ministry. Only He can bring life out of death. I can not even tell you how many days I cried as I typed, praying that God would speak–to me–to you! He did it. God used my writing of my own book to remind ME first, how to live a Life Unstuck. I read my book this past week for the first time since turning it in last July and I cried again. This time, my tears came from a place of praise. He truly creates beauty out of ashes. I am thrilled to trust that He is going to use those same words to KEEP LEADING ME a well as to lead other women to His abundant life.

My sole desire for 2015 is to listen, to hear and to obey.


This year–my heart is hopeful. My mind is ready. My faith is stronger. My love is deeper. My focus is clearer.

Thats what God does with what the enemy tries to steal.

He kicks it up a notch on our behalf and hems us in tighter–lifts our teary eyes with His tender touch on our chins and we look up and we see that He is Lord, still. He loves us, still. He leads us, still. He has a plan, still. He is enough, still.

Remembering that makes me happy–happy–happy.

How about you my friend? Are you stepping into this new year like I did last year? Is your faith being challenged? God’s got us, if we will listen–He will speak.

I pray that you will join The Unstuck Woman’s Club and lets cheer one another on in 2015. Lets’ listen together shall we?

In His Grip,


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  1. Oh my goodness Pat! I needed that! Thank you for helping me look things over again! Yes, I’m being pushed…no I don’t enjoy it…BUT… God has this and he wants me to trust him and rely on Him to bring my Jeremiah 29:11! BUILDING MY FAITH!!!!

  2. Such a great inspiration for the beginning of the year. I have had it in my mind and heart that this is a turning point year for our family. I don’t even know what that means yet, but I’m ready for it! I can’t wait to read your book and keep moving! No getting stuck for me this year!

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