Guess Who Knows You?

I was in a conversation yesterday with a friend. She was sharing her recent excitement at meeting a very famous Christian leader and author. She had an unexpected but precious opportunity to chat with this person which was a bit of a thrill for my friend, especially since the famous person spoke some kind and valuable words to my friends heart. In fact, the person was completely gracious and attentive, which does not surprise me knowing the position of tremendous influence that God has allowed in that life. This is a person who is known everywhere. This is someone who loves God with an infectious passion that has changed BILLIONS of lives including mine.

Anyway, while my friend was talking to the FP (famous person), she mentioned my name and something the two of us are stepping in to together.

Well, GUESS WHAT??? The FP knew my name!!!

She responded to my friend that she knew who I was and about my ministry!!

Whhooo Hooo. I would never have known. I would never have thought that MY name would be recognized or noticed by this Godly leader. Someone who has a very obvious call of God on their life and is serving His Kingdom advancement in a MIGHTY way.

As I thought about that during the night and into my quiet time this morning , God began to work in my heart these words:

Pat Layton, I know your name.

Not only do I know your name, I know what you had for lunch yesterday.I know the conflict of emotions you had last night over a decision you are trying to make correctly. I know the scriptures you were reading as you feel asleep. I know what you are going to say today, do today and feel today. I know what is going to charge up your heart and what is going to bring tears to your eyes.

And guess what…I know all of that for tomorrow and forever!!!

I know Lord. I know.

I pray that you are reminded of that today as well my friends.

He Knows OUR Names.

JESUS. The one who died on the CROSS for our sins, for our love, for our relationship.


JESUS knows your name and mine!!

Hallelujah!!! Hallelujah!!!

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  1. Pat–
    Isn’t it sweet that the Creator King of the universe (the biggest FP ever!) not only knows our name but invites us to approach His throne? Not only does He allow us in His presence, but He desires that we call Him “Abba” and accept the gift of being called His child! Wow! It literally takes my breath away in awe and wonder.

    Addicted to His glory,

  2. Gaye Jones commented on your post:

    “Right! Why do we get excited about stuff then–without batting an eye–have alittle chat with God…THE GOD…of the universe(s)??? What are we thinking that we cease to be AMAZED???”

  3. Isn’t it amazing how the knowledge of His love for us can be so overwhelming and so comforting at the same time?
    Thank you, Jesus, for knowing me and loving me ~ all the days of my life… even those ugly days.
    Thanks for the blessing, Pat!

  4. Hi Amy,
    Not only is it amazing sister, it is the connecting moment!
    Amen to your prayer!

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