“Getting Naked with Psalm 139” part one
I just cannot wait to share the amazing adventure we experienced on our very first “Imagine Me…Set Free” Freedom Weekend at the Cove in Asheville, NC.
The team at The Cove and the Woman’s Ministry Team at Mecklenburg Community Church from Charlotte blessed our hearts with their hospitality, the women of Meck became our sisters forever, and GOD blew our socks off…
and our shirts,
and our PJ’s and
our makeup…..
I want to tell you all of the amazing details but I have a few catching up things to do at home that must be given my first attention.
I thought I would just perk up your interest with this tiny bit of bait….
And THIS, one of many precious notes, Faceback comments, emails and written feedback sheets!!!
Dear Pat,
Thank you so much for coming to the Cove to speak this weekend. Meck is not even my home church (I live in WV) but was invited by a dear friend of mine from Meck. Needless to say the Cove was exactly where I was supposed to be this past weekend. I have been a Christian for 15 + years—I was a young adult when I was saved—but I experienced a reawakening that I wasn’t expecting but that was much needed. I have never felt God’s presence like I did this weekend. He has delivered me from bondage to sin like I had always said I believed He would but really don’t think that I did believe it. I left the Cove forever changed. In fact I was almost afraid to go home thinking that I might not ever feel His presence like I did this weekend. I know that is Satan though, trying to convince me that when I get back to my everyday life that things won’t be changed. I am claiming victory and I know they will. Thank you so much for letting God breathe His word through you so that you could deliver such a powerful message to us. BTW, I am on a mission now to get the Imagine Me . . .Set Free conference to WV. . . I am already talking to my church. I hope that is something you might consider. Thanks again!
In His Love,
God is amazing, gentle, good, kind, faithful, powerful, loving, creative……
If you were with us this weekend..leave a comment and I will enter your name in a drawing for one of the prizes that are somewhere in my list luggage as soon as it arrives!!
More later!
What an amazing testimony, Gwen! My heart is so FULL this morning, and I, too, pray that I can continue at home forever changed. Praying for the West Virginia event and believing with you that it IS in God’s plan to take Imagine Me Set Free to the people in your community.
Pat, chuckling about Naked story and cannot wait for you to share it here! Thanks for sharing Gwen’s sweet message to you. Gave me chills and blessed me to tears.
Hey girl…my “chills” have not stopped since Friday night at 8:30 pm!!!
So love you sisters!
Pat & Gwen,
Not even surprised that God did such an amazing work amongst you all this weekend!! Praying that the sacred and intimate feelings He bestowed upon you will linger for years to come. What a blessing to sit at His feet and receive grace, forgiveness and mercy!
God is so gracious!
My sweet, sweet Pat! I loved everything about the time I shared with so many amazing women this past weekend. Imagine Me…Set Free was meant for us all to be there. I shared with many of the women that I have been attending Mecklenburg since 2001 and have always been able to come up with a reason to not go on the Women’s Retreat each year. This year God had other plans. He pushed me there. Even when I was creating the excuses He was already telling me . No Ma’am you’re going!When I received your pre conference letter ..I knew it was true that He knew before I was born that I was meant to be there. I was hit with so many things through out the week leading up to the event. Satan really tried to keep me away. I though that I would never get there. But girl..when I got there. I was at Peace. And when you started to speak the words that God gave you to share it was like a weight had been lifted off my heart. My Freedom Flower is full of miserable events but also with wonderful events that helped me be able to see where God picked me up and that is MY STORY. I can finally own my past and unashamedly share it with other women so that they know they are not alone. That was something that I discovered about myself this weekend. God showed me through this conference that my Dream is to help other women see how God can save them. Like Gwen, I was also nervous about going home but I prayed and sang myself the whole way there. I am sure the people on Interstate 40 got a show . So Precious Pat Thank You, Thank You, Thank You fo persevering through this ministry and this week to come and share with me the message that God had meant for me all along. I love you and will always be praying for you and your ministry.
Always for Him,
Hi Pat,
I wanted to thank you so much for the wonderful weekend! Your sessions were so moving and really touched my heart. I went back to work today and immediately one of my prayers from the weekend were answered. This was my first retreat with the Meck Women’s Ministry and I will always try to come back year after year. I made new friends and learned so much!
If you need someone to edit/proofread or write for your blog, I would love to try it out! I love writing and proofreading. I am a teacher by day, but love writing.
Thanks again for an awesome weekend. Thank you for sharing your stories and your life with us!
Ladies, your sweet words have blessed my heart. I am truly overflowing with gratitude and awe at all that God accomplished through so many and for so many this weekend.
He NEVER lets go!!!!
My love to you!! Thank you so much for taking time to comment!
I got up Monday morning and thought that what had happened to me over the weekend was over and I tell you what, how wrong I was. I am forever changed by being in the prescence of our Heavenly Father, loving on us all weekend through His words spoken through you and the hugs and understanding women that I met at this retreat. I’ve been a member of Meck for just a month and thought I would get to know some new friends by attending. Little did I know that God would break open my heart and start healing me from things I’d hidden for a long time. I am a speaker and now feel that I have so much more to share with the women that I will stand before concerning the awesome power of our God in relation to abortion. I too have been plaqued by the chains of shame, guilt and fear that have become a part of me over the years from something I thought was over in just a few moments. I have signed up to take the Surrender the Secret class to purge the pain from my heart to ulimately set me free from these chains. Thank you Pat, for being so real with us and for using your life to point others in HIS direction. You have inspired me to pursue speaking opportunities with a new fevor and passion. Thank you for your committ to serving our Lord with all of your life and for reminding us that God doesn’t want to waist ANY of our life experiences. He does truly want to see us SET FREE!
Denise Adcock
I don’t think the words of thank you are enough. Through you God followed each of us around The Cove for an entire weekend. It has changed my life forever. I’ve always been a believer but have been going through some very dark days & you came in to that room last Friday night not knowing what you would wear for the next several days & through you we all got Naked. I’ve been to several women’s conferences but never one that not only left me thirsty for more but totally changed. Meck continues to give us ladies more & more but this was the cake topper for me. In my daily prayer I’ll be prayer for you to reach ladies all over the world so they too can experience this. Thank you so much & I’m glad that your trip back home was a little easier than the one getting you to Asheville was. May God continue to bless you & your ministry. I’m so glad he has set me FREE.
Thank you so much for a wonderful experience. I too have been changed by your powerful sessions. For you to share your testimony the way you did was amazing. God truly used you to bless others…to enlighten the women of MECK that we all have a story to tell and that our stories could possibly change the lives of others.
I really liked the “6 Reasons to Weed”. Especially, “God heals what is Revealed”. Even though I know that God sees and hears everything, we still must openly reveal our concerns in ordered to be truly healed.
Thank you so much for not giving up when obviously obstacles were being presented to you in every fashion and form. You persevered and overcame and did a fabulous job. Thank you again for an amazing experience at The Cove.
I am so proud of you and blessed by your honesty. YOU are the kind of woman that God wants to and WILL use to speak real LIFE into His daughters. A woman who is not afraid to be real and keep pressing in for more of what God has!!
My Love sister!!!
YOU made me cry. How sweet. How encouraging. You have blessed me and I would DEEPLY appreciate your continued prayers for Imagine Me!! Love you girl!!
There is no greater honor for me than for some of the words God gave me to not only hit a sweet spot but be spoken back to me!! Every moment the enemy tried to steal from us was rewarded one hundred fold!!!
Thank you new sister!!
I’m so very happy about how the weekend went!!! What a gift and blessing you are to those who were able to attend. Praying for those seeds to be deeply rooted and lives truly be changed!
Hugs and blessings~
Thank you for such an awesome weekend. I have returned with a new hope for my life. If I can share some of this weekend with the women close to me I know that the seeds of my Freedom Flower will start new and will continue to impact the women that they touch. Thanks for you wonderful gifts. Brenda
Brenda…I LOVE hearing that…”My Freedom Flower”. God’s goodness is beyond description!!
What a blessing to experience it!!
My love, Pat
I am still in awe of all God did for not only myself, but so many of the women at Meck. We all are still talking about it, pinching ourselves to make sure it was real. I have never experienced God’s presence in such a tangible way. Several of the praise songs are still in my mind and are sung in my heart.is I have started to work on the petals of my flower and fill in the promises I have found that God has for me. One of the key things I learned was to look at the scriptures as if they were written just for me. It is amazing what they shift has done for me. I have always loved reading the scriptures, but this is so different. It has become an exciting treasure hunt. Thank you so much for your words and challenges. I came to the Cove as one person and left as someone totally changed. Yeah God.