I am so excited about the upcoming weekend and following week.
I have 3 Christian Fiction books to read. A lawn chair with my name on it, some heavy duty sunscreen and a BIG HAT! I am getting me some REFRESHMENT!!
It is a GOD REQUIREMENT you know!! I was reminded of our permission—rather our REQUIREMENT—to do that yesterday.
When I had a mighty prayer time yesterday followed by a day of WOW!
I have so many thoughts to share with you from my prayer time. I plan to gather some “runaway and rambling” thoughts next week while I am SITTING ON THE BEACH!!!
WhooHoo! So needed.
As I said, yesterday was a CRAZY day full of God moments–
After 4 HOURS on the phone with Apple trying to recover my lost CALENDAR (ya know, every appointment, every speaking event, every training, every G baby Birthday!!)….I was at my frustration MAX…when I got an email from adorable Rachelle Gardner telling me I was offered A BOOK CONTRACT that will help take my post abortion recovery study “Surrendering the Secret” to many more women and men!
Praise God!! It has been a long wait 🙂
After THAT call, I got another call from ANOTHER (God is doing this thing!) Women’s Ministry Leader who wants to book a FREEDOM WEEKEND for next Spring–OH MY!
BE ENCOURAGED for any dreams that He has planted in your heart. He hears us and He cares!!
I have a WORD to share from my quiet time yesterday for your weekend quiet time 🙂
Is 40:31
As YOU place your HOPE in Him, He will renew your strength. YOU will SOAR on wings like eagles, you will run and not grow weary, you will walk and not faint!!
Is 12:2 and Ex 15:2
HE is your salvation–TRUST IN HIM–Do not be afraid. HE IS YOUR STRENGTH AND YOUR SONG!!!
Have a blessed weekend.
Be blessed with rest.
Be blessed with laughter.
Be blessed with family and friends.
Be blessed with inner stillness.
Be blessed in knowing He is ALL GOOD!!
Thanks Pat, I needed to hear this today! Enjoy your rest! Love you!
Kathy–If any words I write BLESS YOU…I am doubly blessed my sister,
Thank you for sharing your exciting news, and most of all, thank you for the encouragement that He does hear us and does care about our dreams. It can be hard in the grasping/waiting stage sometimes.
Hi Lisa,
Thank you for the Holiday weekend visit :). YES! I agree the waiting can be painful. I am trying to learn to be PRESENT in the wait! i.e. What is God showing me? What am I learning during THIS season while I look towards the next? and maybe…WHOSE dream can I help propell while I wait to see mine come forth!
I am so grateful that you were encouraged!!