Freedom Flower Coaching

Books change lives.


I think that is why I love to write. I want my words to be used to change lives.

Life Unstuck is the story of my changed life and I am passionately praying will change the life of many, many women through God’s sweet Word in Psalm 139.

Over 20 years ago, I picked up such a book. A life changing book called Life Mapping by John Trent. For many years I used that book in the lives of family, friends and my coaching clients.

In John’s book, I learned a process, he calls “Overcoming your past, taking control of your present and charing your future”

Do you see the Trent “trend” My book is “Finding Peace with your Past; Purpose in your Present and Passion for your Future”. I honestly hadn’t even realized how close I came to John’s words until this morning as I looked at that old book again.

John uses a system of “life mapping” in his book that tweaked to better fit my personality, teaching and learning stye. 4 years ago as I presented it for the first time at my first Imagine Me…Set Free© Conference in North Carolina. I created a tool to use in my conference as well as my life coaching ministry, called a Freedom Flower© that is similar to John’s Life Map but designed specifically for women.

The Freedom Flower© is available for FREE on the Life Unstuck book website!

I wanted to take some time this week to help you use the Freedom Flower on your own.

Please print one off before you join me so that you can follow along.

This will be a VERY abbreviated version of my process but I will be offering some group and one-on-one coaching using the Freedom Flower© in a few weeks as well as a Life Unstuck Freedom Quest Weekend© in the Fall. Please contact me at for details or watch my website!

Step 1:

Start at the Roots! (Section One of Life Unstuck)

God created YOU to be YOU!

He did not make a mistake with your squeaky laugh. He is not surprised by your too often, too quick words (any more than He was with Peter). He is not put off by your introverted ways. He built in that love for music or people or babies. Start with the simple “Garden of Personality” test I include in Chapter One of Life Unstuck. In my Coaching ministry, I use other tools for searching out ministry gifts, leadership styles, parenting personalities. You might take some time to Google some of these and you will find lots of places to begin. Definitely take some time to think about WHO YOU ARE! Who God created and designed you to be!

Step 2:

WEEDS! (Steps 2 &3 are Section Two of Life Unstuck)

Weeds KILL and are found around every growing thing! YOU are no different. Weeds are those places in life that need to be UPROOTED (Jer 1:4-11). You may know right away what some of those things are: anger; fear; hopelessness; rage; self-pity. If you KNOW what they are there–pull them out now. Lay them at the root. Surrender them as you begin you Freedom search. Some WEEDS may be more obvious or “sprout up” as you are moving along the process. There is no time requirement. This is a PROCESS. Take the time you need to follow the steps God plants in your heart!

Step 3:


This area, from  the roots to the bloom is where you will map out your personal life time line from birth to NOW! You may be 18, you may be 80. Along the line of this stalk, tip your flower to the side (horizontal) and lay your life out step by step. I like to add LEAVES everywhere along the way that I see the Hand of God in my life. Those times when as you are writing, the Holy Spirit reminds you that He was there! He saved. He rescued. He comforted. He protected. He provided. He directed!! Add the leaves to your timeline as you go.

Step 4:

The BLOOM! (Section Three of Life Unstuck)

This is your life TODAY! Regardless of what you are dealing with. Regardless of what looks great and what looks really bad–God is THERE! He hems you in. He is near. He hears. He holds. He has you!!

The BLOOM is what people around you are seeing in your life right now. They see your faith. They see your hope. They see your peace. OR–sometimes they see us fall apart, only to be brough back together! We are a work in progress!!

In the Bloom stage, take some time to journal your life circumstances and reflect on how you are dealing with things. I for one, ALWAYS need more time with the Lord. More time in His presence. More time in worship. More time in prayer. More time with like minded friends and mentors. Consider YOUR particular Bloom stage. You may be in a season of being someone elses “bouquet” today!

Step 5:

The SEED! (Section Four of Life Unstuck)

This is your Legacy. This is where you OVERFLOW and fall upon those around you. This is what aroma you leave behind. This is what you are PLANTING in your children, friends, husband, neighborhood, job, church.

How healthy is your SEED?

Do you need some outside support? If so find it! Find that Christian friend, family member, spiritual mentor, Bible Teacher, Life Coach in your life to help you DIG a bit deeper into what God is doing.

If you don’t have one, email me for information about my next Freedom Flower Coaching opportunity! I would love to help you find Life Unstuck!!

I hope this helps you enjoy your FREE FREEDOM FLOWER©

Happy Monday Friends!


(ps..for those of you who have read TONS OF TYPOS in this psot–please forgive me, my computer blog program gave me a FIT today (go figure) I have corrected this about 10 times.

I’m done now, it is what it is, right!! an offering of love!)


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  1. I so love your blogs and posts! God always speaks to me through you at just the right time….AMAZING! His timing is perfect and your obedience to share His message is such a blessing! Thank you, Pat! I so want to look more into being able to come to your weekend retreat! My heart is drawn to you and desires to glean as much as possible from the life spring flowing from you! Looking forward to more info about the retreat.

    1. I love you back Paula–I would LOVE to meet face to face at a Freedom Quest. I finally have time to get another one planned and will be shouting it out in a few weeks!
      Praying it works for you!!

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