Fix Bayonets Girls!!

I know that a discussion of “Bayonets” would not be something that you would normally associate with “Sweet Tea”. 

There is however, a Time for Tea and a Time for Target practice!!

I am in one of those TARGET PRACTICE times.
I shared a few posts back that I have been in a bit of a season of “warfare”. I don’t mean to spiritualize everything or even focus on my personal challenges. In comparison to some of the battles that some people around me are fighting, mine is a cakewalk.
The “battle” that I have been waging at an advanced level over the past few weeks has taken place in my own skin. Mostly between my ears but often in my mouth!
At the end of last year I began to wonder just how long my season of new ministry surprises was going to last without running into some advanced warfare.
Now do not get me wrong. I believe that Jesus died for our ABUNDANT LIFE!! I am a firm WORD stander and claim all of the promises found within these pages to be 100% accurate, believable and achievable, in THIS Lifetime.
The truth is that we DO HAVE AN ENEMY. 
As defeated as he is, he is a pain in our lives!! His entire daily activity revolves around the mission to “STEAL! KILL! DESTROY!!”. I am not ignorant of his tactics nor do I let them scare me away from pursuing ALL that God is, says and promises.
I purpose to keep my spiritual muscles strong, to know God’s Word AHEAD of the Battle and to have it ready to aim and fire as needed.
There are times, however, when I feel a bit like I have stepped out on a hill in enemy camp and have bullets coming at me from every direction!
This morning, during my prayer walk, I heard God remind me of a Military Command He gave me a few years back. 
The order is:
bayonet (from French baïonnette) is a knife-, dagger-, sword-, or spike-shaped weapon designed to fit on, over or underneath the muzzle of a riflebarrel or similar weapon, effectively turning the gun into a spear. It is a close quarter battle combat or last-resort weapon.

When I take a “prayer walk” I normally take either my worship ipod, scripture printed out on paper for memorizing or some other tool that will keep my “aim” focused! 

Today, I picked up a well worn prayer tool that I have had for many years called “Prayers That Avail Much”. 

I lifted up my “bayonet” and began to shoot!!

This was my “Personal Confession” (page 29) (personalized version). 
Feel free to cut and paste it onto your own prayer walk paper!!
Jesus is Lord over my LIFE, my spirit, soul and body. 

He has been made unto me WISDOM (for those many things that seem to be spinning around in my head (should I? shouldn’t I??), righteousness (for the constant struggle to do, say and FEEL the right thing), sanctification and redemption!!

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

The Lord is my Shepherd, I do not want!! (the book deal, the speaking invitation, the relationships that challenge me, the constant approval of others, those jeans to zip!!)

My God supplies all of my needs according to His riches in Glory.

I do not fret or have anxiety about anything (the financial needs of ministry, the challenges being faced my my adult children as they follow God, the condition of our Nation and our World!!)

I am the Body of Christ, I am redeemed (my favorite word) from the curse, because Jesus bore my sickness (and Susan’s and Jeanette’s and Jim’s and the others on my prayer list) and carried our disease in His own body. By His stripes, we are healed. I forbid any sickness or disease to operate in my body. Every organ, every tissue of my body functions in the perfection in which God created it to function. I honor God and bring Him Glory through my body.

I have the mind of Christ and hold the thoughts, feelings ans purposes of His heart!

I am a believer and not a doubter.

Jesus is the AUTHOR and developer of my faith.

The love of God has been shed abroad in my heart by the Holy Spirit and His love ABIDES in me richly.

I KEEP MYSELF IN THE KINGDOM OF LIGHT< class="blsp-spelling-error" id="SPELLING_ERROR_29">the wicked one touches me not!

I have a SWORD at his throat!!
I hear the voice of the Good Shepherd. I hear MY FATHERS VOICE!!! the voice of a stranger, I will not follow.

I roll my works upon the LORD, I commit and trust them wholly to Him. 

He will cause my thoughts to become agreeable to His will!

Praise His gracious name!!

Bull’s Eye!!!

BTW……the winner of my “Surrendered Sister” Newsletter Book Giveaway is….Stephanie at “TRUTHSHARER”. Visit her blog today, you will love her in”sight”!!

Please let me know (if you have not already) if would like to get my next newsletter!

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  1. Thanks so much Pat… I finally was able to get back here from your link that you sent.

    I am thrilled to be the winner and can’t wait to get the book!! I perk up when God sends a book my way! I know He has something special for me when He does that!

    This post was very real to me. I look at every situation in my life from spiritual glasses! This life is about God – and God is spirit – so how else COULD we approach it? Everything we ARE and everything we DO is [and should be] connected to HIM – the King of the universe!

    Praise JESUS!

    Choosing JOY,
    [Jesus – the One I Worship]

  2. Powerful stuff Sweet Pat, and just what I needed today! It seems that I am faced by the enemy in my face on a very regular bases. Thank you for reminding me that I need to keep my armour on and fight the good fight. Thank you for reminding me that I am the body of Christ and that I am redeemed!

    I do believe that I just might have to add “I am a believer and not a doubter.
    Jesus is the AUTHOR and developer of my faith.
    The love of God has been shed abroad in my heart by the Holy Spirit and His love ABIDES in me richly” to my bathroom mirror!

    Thank you for being a blessing to so many.

  3. One more thing….do I need to tell you that I want to get the newsletter if I filled out the little card, or am I on the mailing list from here on out? Anyway, I want to get the next copy!


  4. Stephanie,
    So glad you found your way here. I have no idea what has happened to my “profile” connection but all is well!
    I know that you will enjoy this book. I kind of “devoured” it!!

  5. Thank you for this post. The enemy has been rampant in my life lately and I am SICK of it! Thank God for His truths and that the enemy is under our feet. Yes, he is out there to side-track us, mess us up, make us fear, need I go on?…. BUT the war has already been won!! Praise God!!

    Love you!

  6. It is a close quarter battle combat or last-resort weapon.

    I just added bayonet to my grocery list!! The Lord has been reminding me that He is our shield and that lifting Him up deflects the enemy’s darts. I’m thinking it’s time to fire back!

  7. What a great way to fight off the enemy and stay in shape,both spiritually and physically.

    In His Grace,

  8. Hey Mom! Good to read your words again! I’ve been off in my own little world for a couple of busy weeks! Love you!


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