This is me with my newest G-baby. Her peaceful and trusting place in my arms is how I have felt over the past few days as I have cuddled into the arms of my Good and Mighty God!!
I was hoping that after a day of letting my brain rest, I might be able to give a few intelligent glimpses into the past week but alas, no intelligence has appeared.
So, here I go with the best that I can muster up!!
My latest God Encounter started last Wednesday as I traveled to San Antonio, Tx with 4 very special friends. God set it up for us and it was a joyful surprise. We had all spent the previous several days praying Hurricane Fay out of our “Sunshine State” and out of our travel path. In spite of her hovering over Florida’s East coast on our travel day, we arrived in SA with barely a bump!
We had a short bit of time to walk the famous River Front and have some TexMex late in the afternoon after checking into our BEAUTIFUL hotel.
Beth Moore’s “SIESTA’S” were EVERYWHERE we looked enjoying those girl times that are so very precious.
Thursday morning came very quickly and we were off to Oak Hills Church, home of Pastor Max Lacado for Lifeway’s “Fully Loaded” Leadership Training Event.
The team at Chapel Hill know how to bless their guests!!
Julie and her team were outstanding host and hostesses. I could not have gotten through my workshop without the technical assistance of my very own “Pat”.
Close to 400 women in Christian Leadership positions joined us for exhortation, education and encouragement.
I taught the “Ministry to Women In Crisis” track. Although they had a variety of excellent teachers to sit under, my sweet friends sat in the back of the room and prayed/cheered me on.
We had an overflow class of about 120 ladies that were full of energy and expectation.
The class was wonderful and as always, I learned every bit as much as I taught!
We had some wonderful times gathered together as a group and were led in worship by none other than Kelly Minter and Travis Cottrell!! How cool is that. Our Spirits were dancing way before we even arrived at Living Proof Live!! Which was really lucky for us because we were about to be fed by Beth Moore, some STEAK that was TEXAS Prime!!!
Beth’s message on our INHERITANCE through Christ was so anointed and rich that I am still hearing phrases and truths in my prayer time and as I go about my day. There were a few things that she said that in my 24 years of SURRENDER to Christ, I have never heard in the same way or understood as well.
All of us who were privileged to attend will be meditating on the Word of God that was served to us this weekend, for many days to come.
I know that I am not alone in saying that my life and my perspective of MY INHERITANCE was absolutely transformed!
I spent the day yesterday, since my own brain would not engage, resting in the Lord, and reading the blogs of some younger more energetic Surrendered Sisters, for some thoughts and feedback.
There are MANY to be found but a good place to start is with theLifeway Woman’s Blog “All Access” Blog. From there, you can spend a whole day, like I did, riding the waves of God’s goodness.
In the meantime, I will leave you with one Word that has taken up residence in my heart for days:
” Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup, you have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful INHERITANCE!!” Pslm 16:5,6
If you are reading this and were there with us, I would love to hear your thoughts as the days have gone by!!
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SO loved being a part of your group – certainly we HAVE been fed and changed!
Pat, I didn’t realize you were at the LPL event. I would have loved to have met you and told you how much your bible study has meant to the ladies in our church.
Also, I was wondering if you have any bible study material for teenagers so we can teach them and possibly prevent future abortions.
SO loved being a part of your group – certainly we HAVE been fed and changed!
Awesome, awesome time!
Love to you this day,
I’m so bummed we didn’t have a chance to meet! By the time we made it up front a lot of you girls had cleared out..
Maybe next time? 🙂
Keep watching out for me SISTER!!
Love you!
I was SOOO bummed not to be able to be with the Siestas. I had to rush out for another conference.
Next time, I will plan better.
Bless you!
I didn’t realize you were at the LPL event. I would have loved to have met you and told you how much your bible study has meant to the ladies in our church.
Also, I was wondering if you have any bible study material for teenagers so we can teach them and possibly prevent future abortions.
I was so bummed all weekend because I wanted to be there so bad. I prayed for you all and I can see that the Lord did not disappoint!
I wasn’t there but it sure sounded like a blessed 4 days.
Thank you for the encourging words you left at my blog.
In His Grace,