Falling into Winter
Good morning friend. As you have likely guessed 🙂 God has been speaking to me about the “Seasons” of life.
I recently held my last speaking engagement for 2014 in beautiful Pennsylvania sponsored by the Susquehanna Valley Pregnancy Services. Oh my what an amazing team. One that is especially dear to my heart. Our Surrendering the Secret National Leader Carol Weaver was my host. Carol has the gift of hospitality which virtually shines behind the light of her Jesus filled countenance like sunrise behind a stained glass window. Carol makes me want to be BETTER! She inspires me and encourages me.
Carol welcomed me into her home to the smells of roast in a crock pot, home-made butter beans and apple-sauce. What more can I say?
Being from Florida dropped me into the land of oohs and awes..from the moment the plane was landing. While everyone else started gathering their belongings to prepare for landing my i-phone was noisily clicking away at the view from my window seat. I looked like a geeky tourist for sure. The ground glowed up with yellows, golds and reds that took my breath away.
As we experience the very middle to the end of the Fall Season of the universe, and have watched as big fat golden leaves have fluttered to the ground, God is doing a huge work in my life. Isn’t it cool to know that He is never done with us. There is always a deeper place to go in Jesus. There are always new levels to be braved while holding His hand.
As the days of November pass God is leading me into the life season of Winter. Winter is a season of rest and restoration; a season of stillness and quietness before Him; a season of listening and pause. A season when nutrients are restored into the still ground and new things loom on the horizon.
I have learned that the seasons of life, although reflected in the season of the universe, are not always in sync. i.e you can be in the Summer season of life as leaves are turning gold outside your window.
Hang with me and I will share more of what God is showing me as we go. As Beth Moore says in her book Praying God’s Word “if you are compelled to tell others virtually everything you learn from God, you might be a teacher…the second I receive the least spiritual insight or learn anything at all about the practicality of scripture slapped on the hot pavement of my life, I want to hold the worlds biggest conference call”.
Ditto what she said 🙂 I remember the first time I read those words many years ago, I knew she was describing ME!
My heart is one of a teacher, I just can’t hold on for too long to any new truth God reveals to me–or in me–and He is revealing some amazing stuff right now so get ready reader.
Tell me friend–do you have any idea what season of life you are in?
Here is a quick sneak peak–
Fall: A Season of Endings
Winter: A Season of Rest
Spring: A Season of NEW!
Summer: A Season of Action!
Leave me a comment below sharing what you think is YOUR SEASON and I’ll drop your name into our drawing for Karen and Glynis’s book!
As always–Blog Subscribers get a DOUBLE DIP!!
In His Grip,
I feel like I may be in a Spring Season even though it’s bitter cold outside and so doesn’t match my place!
Yeah Paula!
Spring is FUN and can be extra special BECAUSE it is cold outside 🙂 in the inside things are coming up roses :)–right?!!
I’d love to hear more about your fresh growth!
Winter is a season of rest … or in other words, inactivity! It arrives after the busy season of Fall, the time of harvesting all you have planted and cultivated through the earlier seasons of Spring and Summer. Those seasons are so full of effort, preparation, and plain hard work, you hardly recognize how the end of your most productive time of life has passed and you are done. It takes a little while to ease into the dormant stage of your Winter season. At first, you are restless, wondering what you should be doing. Then you begin to relax, unwind, and actually, enjoy the inactivity of no demands, or schedules, or to do lists. After a while, you are a little discontent with the passive life, and begin to wonder if you have another last Spring to look forward to … or if this could possibly be the last Winter season of your life. Only God knows!
New job, new grandbabies, and a new daughter-in-love in January. New life is the theme. It’s Spring! He makes all things new.