Extra Baggage—$25.00!!!

I guess all of the travel in my life lately has caused me to think in terms of packing and unpacking, checking in and checking out, loading and unloading!!

Since my last post I have traveled back home from the West to the East, had just a few days to love on some G-babies, catch up on emails, attend to some local ministry work, pay my bills, have dinner with some family and some friends, and clean my house!
Today, I am REPACKING to head back to the WEST!!! 
I really don’t have time to sit at my computer but I have something taking shape in my heart so here goes my best attempt at capturing it in a few minutes.
I am the kind of person who has always filled up any blank space in my life but this year has taken the cake, so to speak! I have traveled more this year than probably all of my entire lifetime combined! In some ways, it has worn me out. At the same time, I have experienced some amazing blessings, met tons of new brothers and sisters in Christ and seen God at work in so many lives and situations that I continue to melt in His presence. 
God has allowed me to watch Him Heal Hearts before my very eyes!!
I remember when we got our first Ultrasound machine at A Woman’s Place Ministries, the crisis pregnancy center where I work. I saw how God literally opened, what we refer to as a “Window to the Womb”, for young women who are facing an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy and how their hearts were turned  to “CHOOSE LIFE” (Deut 30:19) right before our eyes. It was, and continues to be, an amazing blessing. We have seen Him do that over 220 times so far this year!!!! Praise His Mighty Name!
Now, God is showing me more of  the same thing just in a new way. 
He is allowing me to watch Him open a “Window into HEARTS” as He goes about His business of healing broken ones and showing us the way to CHOOSE LIFE!!! The one He promises in John 10:10.
The thing is, God does not do His work in a vacuum, or a tunnel, or in any one person at any one time. 
He is Elohim.
He is Jehovah.
He is Adonai.
He is Sovereign! He is Omnipotent! He is Omni Present!
He is yesterday, today and tomorrow.
He is here. He is there. He is everywhere!!!
God is SO BIG and SO, SO, SO……..(trying to capture a big enough word here)… LOVE!!! 
He cannot be contained. As He works on one person, He is doing many things with everyone else around at the same time. As I have been privileged to be in the same place, at the same time, that God is doing a work in the hearts of women around me, my heart is being worked on!! 
Just when I think I may have gotten rid of some EXTRA BAGGAGE in my life, I experience an ULTRASOUND of the heart and some JUNK is revealed!!! 
On our last flight to California, my honey was loaded up with the “extra” stuff that I could not fit into my suitcase. We were going to be gone for 2 weeks for goodness sakes! I girl has STUFF!!! When he went to check his bag, sure enough, we had an overload and we HAD TO PAY! That baggage cost us something!
Yesterday, I had a heart reaction to something going on in my life, something PETTY, SILLY and not even worth talking about here. 
My behavior had to do with BAGGAGE—Not people! 
I saw some BAGGAGE come to the surface of my heart that needed to be dumped or I was going to have to pay!
Jesus said in Matthew 12:33-37 that what comes out of our mouths reveals what is in our hearts and that by our WORDS we will be acquitted or condemned!
He also says in 1 John 1:9 that is we confess our sins we are forgiven and purified!!
So before this next trip, as a matter of fact, immediately upon becoming aware of my overload, I DUMPED my confession upon the Lord and ask Him to take that junk!!!
Thank you Lord for your Free—No Charge—Handling of our Extra Baggage!!
Now, I have to go pack—for Denver that is!!!

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  1. What a great illustration of a godly principle. I think if we all look, we may find extra baggage! I had a wonderful Bible teacher who taught us that 1 John 1:9 is our spiritual bar of soap. Irene said to remember that verse and know that when we mess up, go immediately to that verse and then confess.

  2. I too have been carrying around some "stuff" and it hasn't been pretty. In fact, it's been pretty ugly! I'm so grateful that our God is BIG enough to handle ALL of it!!

    Have a safe trip!


  3. have a safe trip. We just covered those same scriptures at Celebrate Recovery tonight. ADMIT. confessing to God and one another. Why is that So hard?
    Just wondering when you are going to name the winner of the Fight like a girl contest?

  4. Hi Ladies! Thank you for your visit. I am especially grateful since I have not had time to visit any of you in a few weeks!

    Amy…check the blog out today! It will be worth it to you!!!

    Love you ladies!

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