Embracing a New Divine Assignment
I have a bad habit of trying to give away my blessings.
When our daughter Julianna was born to a very surprised teenage girl at 1.5 pounds, 22 weeks gestation and 10 inches long—-I had a FULL TIME job as an insurance agent with my own insurance agency, 1 tween and 1 teen son, AND had just said “YES” to God to open Tampa, Florida’s’ very first Crisis Pregnancy Center called A Woman’s Place, a name God dropped into my heart before He gave me the actual assignment.
When word came to us about Julianna–I could see NO WAY that it was God’s plan for ME to be the lucky Mom to this tiny little girl. Unbelievably to me today, before I even allowed myself to meet her, I proceeded to try to find THE RIGHT MOM for Julianna. (Don’t JUDGE! I KNOW some of you rejected that man who later became the love of your life at least ONCE before you said YES!!)
What ended up as practically a “God SMACK” (a BLESSING but a SMACK all the same) on the head, brought me to my senses and I realized, in spite of the circumstances and all the obvious reasons this would NEVER WORK, it was clear that this was to be Gods’ plan for us and God’s plan for Julianna. The moment I laid eyes on Julianna was the moment that crumbled me to my knees to see His hand.
She was in trouble. She needed us. We needed her. God had an amazing plan waiting and ready!
That right there, that crisis of beliefs, that “how can this be?”, that moment of decision is where we can miss God’s best if we don’t say YES!
There have been quite a few DIVINE ASSIGNMENTS in my life since then. One was my very first book contract with Lifeway for my book Surrendering the Secret. Another was my latest book Life Unstuck. Blessings no man or woman could work out on their own. Supernatural. Divine Assignments.
I am living another one out right now.
I have a new job!
I wasn’t LOOKING for a job, I thought I had enough jobs, but one came to me much the same way Julianna did. In fact, I have been working on doing my part to get Life Unstuck noticed by the world 🙂 and working on my next book, for the past 6 months. I have just been too afraid to take the leap with my publisher.
Is this proposal good enough? Will they want it? Is this God’s plan for my next book? I have been STUCK! (Wouldn’t you know it!). This is all part of the reason my FREE FRIDAY book, Audacious, is speaking to me right now! In the book Beth talks about that place “between your past and your future” and spoke right to my heart. We are always in that place one way or another, right?!!
A few weeks ago, in the middle of the “plans” and “assignments” I fully believe God has for me, He dropped a surprise onto my path. I tried to give it away 🙂 to someone I felt was “perfect for it” until I felt that sweet SMACK, and realized that as crazy as it seemed to me, this is God’s assignment for ME.
I get to watch Him to make it work.
I get to watch Him to make it all fit together.
Hello friend, my name is Pat Layton, I am an Author, Speaker, Ministry Coach AND the new CEO of the West Pasco Pregnancy Care Center.
WOW!! I have been hesitant for 2 weeks to even say that out loud!
WPPCC needs me. I need them. God has an amazing plan waiting and ready! It’s gonna be SO COOL to watch Him work!!
How about you my friend, is God calling you to take a risk?
What is on your path that ONLY HE can pull together?
What “YES” is waiting to be worked out in your life?
I’m giving away a FREE COPY of Audacious on Sunday. This who sign up for my 30 Days to an Unstuck Christmas get a double entry. I’m just sayin’ 🙂
NOTE: Both Surrendering the Secret and West Pasco Pregnancy Center are Not-for-Profit Ministries that survive on generous donations. If you are praying about your year end gifts, would you pray about these critical ministers who are in desperate need of your support?
Congratulations Pat!!! I am so excited to hear how God is going to use you to bless others!
Hoping I get the smack down soon…feel like I’m in limbo ?
Yay, Pat, I love seeing how God is working wonders in your life. What a beautiful ministry he picked you as a leader for!
Congratulations Pat!! God is continuously working through you. 🙂 Blessings and hugs.
Yes, congratulations!
And I LOVE how you said a path that only HE can work out. Praying that I’m open to following the one he reveals to me!
They will be so blessed to have you, as well as they will bless you.
Congratulations, Pat! Wonderful news! I, too, am waiting for that directional lead from my Father. I know He will reveal it!
Congratulations, Pat!
Congratulations!!! God always surprises us doesn’t He! Thanking Him for what He is going to do through your love and obedience!
Love you so much!
Congratulations Pat! Best wishes on your new endevour. You will be a blessing to the women’s lives you’ll be touching!