Day 24 LIFE UNSTUCK in 2019!!
Day 24 – Unstuck Life!
See if there is any offensive way in me and lead me in the way everlasting. Psalm 139: 24
Unstuck Truth 24: Life Unstuck sees the invisible, believes the unbelievable and receives the impossible!
In my ministry to women over the past few years, discovering God’s Will and hearing God’s Voice seem to be areas that keep women STUCK the most.
Honestly, those topics are topics for other books but let me just say: I am a firm believer that GOD HIMSELF created you to be you. He created you to hear His voice. He desires for you to find His Will and He chases after you with it. If you will stay in His word and think on these twenty-four verses of scripture alone, not to count the other thirty-one THOUSAND verses that reveal God’s heart, you will run smack into God’s Will and God’s Voice!
The meaning of the word “calling” is vocation, profession, or trade. Another definition means a strong impulse or inclination. Your calling is created within you and is not easily ignored. It is personal and creates passion within your heart. So, again, what do you dream about? What makes your heart race when you think of it? What would you spend all your time and money on if you had the freedom to? What makes you proud to accomplish? What feels more like play than work? What do people say you are good at?
Consider these Unlikely—UnStuck Ministries:
- » Jacob: was a lying schemer. He was used by God to become the father of many nations.
- » Moses: was a murderer, fake and social dropout. He was chosen by God to lead Israel from bondage and is the Author of the first 5 books of the Bible!
- » Sampson: was a quick-tempered bully who couldn’t keep his pants up. He was chosen by God as a Judge of Israel and is listed in Faiths Hall of Fame in Hebrew 11.
- » Rahab: was a prostitute. God used her willingness to protect Israel and made her the great, great Grandmother of Jesus!
- » Our wonderful David: betrayed a loyal servant, committed adultery and murder. God anointed him as King of Israel and he WROTE our beautiful Psalm 139!Take a moment and reflect upon your personality and all your WAYS and to believe your WAYS are there for a reason…and that reason is GOOD! As you carefully consider just how beautifully and artistically created you are, I also want you to think about your passions. God gave you those, too, paired with your personality. And it is here, the joining of God-given passion and God-given personality, where your destiny, your calling, can be discovered and embraced.
- » Are you a bumble bee?
- » Are you a butterfly?
- » Are you a lady bug?
- » Are you a hummingbird?
Ro-look at the test you took back in Chapter One of Life Unstuck to consider how specifically God created you and what His plan is right now, for Unique YOU !
Sister, you each were intricately designed to make a difference in this world, and were intentionally created in the very way needed to make that God-envisioned plan, that God inspired calling…YOUR calling, the plan He has for you, come alive. Embrace your uniqueness.
Celebrate your differences.
Relish in your quirks and wacky ways!
Be you and tell the people in your world about Jesus.
I hope you have enjoyed this past 24 Days together. I am excited about this New Year. You know how much I love hearing from you so I am all ears :)))
I hope to see you here gain soon and please sign up for my monthly newsletter, A Refreshing Pause. It’s a fun and light read to start off your month!