
Day 22–Unstuck FOCUS! The BEST!

Day 22 – Unstuck FOCUS! Chapter 22 pages 220-228.

I have nothing but hatred for them; I count them my enemies. Psalm 139:22

Unstuck Truth 22: Sometimes we have to change our position to change our perspective. Stay focused on your potential not your problems.

God wants our UNSTUCK and Undivided attention.

He wants us to FOCUS on Him, His Words, His promises.

We can’t do that if we are busy blaming and pointing the finger at someone else’s problems, issues or mistakes. We must turn our focus upon God to live a Life Unstuck! No exceptions!!

As you read the words of David above we can see that his focus is not on God. His focus is on what someone else has done wrong.

When you read David’s words, is there anyone in your own life who comes to mind? Is there someone who has hurt you? Cheated you? Let you down? It could be that this book is God’s “angel in the dessert” challenging you to LET GO! Let God deal with the villains of the world. Let God redeem the unredeemable just like He has redeemed unredeemable you and me!

  • »  Take some “set apart” time to write a letter to God about the person (or people) who come to your mind as ones that you “hate” or that you think God hates. THIS IS NOT TO BE SHARED with that person but possibly with a trusted Pastor or Mentor who will pray with you for forgiveness and possibly a separation plan.
  • »  Take the same amount of time to write a letter to God THANKING HIM for those friends and family He has placed in your life for support and community. Ask Him to reveal some fresh ways that YOU might bless them, in His sweet name.
  • »  Take that letter to the trashcan. Tear it in a bunch of little unreadable pieces and release your anger to God as you do it. Let it GO! (repeat as needed :))Let’s be reminded and refreshed by these words:For this reason, ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all God’s people – Ephesians 1:15

    And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us. – Romans 5:5

    Because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for all God’s people – Colossians 1:4


One of our main tasks is to Stay F.O.C.U.S.E.D.:








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