Day 21–Unsticking STUCK Emotions!
Day 21 – Unstuck Emotions Chapter 21 of Life Unstuck
Do I not hate those who hate you, O LORD, and abhor those who rise up against you? Psalm 139: 21
Unstuck Truth 21: Stuck emotions are like drinking poison and expecting someone else to die.
In this Chapter of Life Unstuck (pages 211-219) we talked about unresolved and unhealthy anger verses anger that results in good change.
We took a look at God’s Biblical checklist for Unstuck Emotions found in Ephesians.
Take your 24 minutes today to review this list against any STUCK relationships you have in your life today.
Lets’ allow God’s Word to get us UNSTUCK and start 2019 FREE!
Ephesians Anger Checklist:
- » Assess Your Primary Emotion: Does my anger stem from loss of control, hurt, orindignation about wrongs?
- » Take Off Your Mask: Open up about what hurt you and talk through your feelings (Ephesians 4:25-26).
- » Deal with Issues and Confront: Communicate issues clearly and early. Be sure the goal is resolving issues, not getting back at people (Ephesians 4:28).
- » Don’t Let Anger Fester and Rot: Unresolved anger is a written invitation to the enemy to exploit us in wounding others and ourselves (Ephesians 4:29).
- » God Cares Deeply About Your Anger: Turn your anger over to God. His heart aches when we allow rages, resentment, or bitterness to root (Ephesians 4:30).
- » Replace Anger with Forgiveness and Compassion: Because God has forgiven us so much; we need to be willing to forgive others (Ephesians 4:32).
In every situation, let’s intentionally seek agreement rather than discord. Let’s work to be responsive instead of resistant and seek compromise over conflict!
Blessings today!