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Day 2–Stinking Thinking!

You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. Psalm 139:2

Unstuck Truth #2: If we want to see what God sees, we have to think like God thinks.

Happy day after New Years Day! I took down my tree yesterday and tidied up our TINY apartment at Kennesaw Mountain in Atlanta. A NEW HOME is in my prayers for 2019 for sure. My big dream is having a writing cottage! We shall see! So, if you haven’t had a chance to yet–Read Chapter 2 of Life Unstuck

Honestly–this might be my most vulnerable area for getting STUCK!

Far too often I find myself falling like our Bible sister EVE for the lies the enemy tries to tell me.

“Am I REALLY good enough?”

“Are my kids going to be OK?”

“Did I totally mess things up with that friend yesterday?”

“Will, I EVER get the discipline to lose this weight?”


Can I get a witness?

Then I remember–this is a battle that has raged SINCE EVE!

I have scripture cars all over my life. One one side–I write the lie or the battle–on the other side–I write Gods’ TRUTH!

Just Imagine—Before Light and Dark, Before water, Before Sun, Before Sea, Before Flowers, God had a plan for you to be you! for me to be me!

He knows if we are on a God High, or a God Low. He Cares but we have to take action!

In light of the scriptures listed in this chapter, I want you to now take some time to journal. Reflect thoughtfully and honestly on what God may be saying to you and assess critically how you are currently thinking…Stuck or UnStuck?

Take some time and reflect, thoughtfully and honestly, upon your current state of thinking. Let God speak to you about where your THOUGHTS are Stuck! What, with God’s help, are you going to consciously change? Really have a good and in-depth conversation with your Lord about where He wants to heal you and where He wants to take you…Then PREPARE to be amazed!









I’d love to hear from you! Otherwise–I’ll have to fight off the lie that I’m doing this blog post for NOBODY!!


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  1. Ahhh and I found that I need to come over here so I can actually see the whole blog! Hehehehe You are NOT alone dear Pat! I am here and I may be quiet but I am listening and reflecting and seeking, right along with you. This will be the most blessed and best year of our lives!

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